Translocation t(8;14)(q24;q32) as a clue for the diagnosis of B cell prolymphocytic leukemia

Steven Richebourg, Richard Garand, Bruno Villemagne, Celine Bossard, Anne Moreau, Pascaline Talmant  

Laboratoire d Hematologie, University Hospital, Nantes, France

Previous history

Malignant disease
Inborn condition
Main items
Diagnosis of chronic lymphoproliferative disorder on February 2009 with presence of 14q32 IgH rearrangement by FISH analysis on blood sample with no partner identified (CCND1, BCL2 and BCL3 excluded). No treatment.

Clinics case report

64 yrs
Lymph nodes
+ occurence of an organomegaly on January 2011 with diaphragmatic lymph nodes and tonsil infiltration
Cns involv

Blood data

with 65% polynuclear neutrophils, 27% lymphocytes and 8% monocytes. 45% of the lymphocytes present a typical morphology of prolymphocytes with enlarged and basophilic cytoplasm and presence of a unique, prominent nucleolus.

Cyto path

Prolymphocytic leukaemia
CD19+, CD5+(high),CD23+(low), CD22+(high), CD79b+(high), FMC7+, surface Ig Lambda (high). Matutes score = 2 (CD10-, CD20+ high, CD43-, CD81+ high)
Rearranged ig tcr
not done
Large infiltration of the tonsil by a monomorphic B-cell lymphoma with a diffuse growth pattern composed of small to medium-sized cells positive for CD5, compatible with the diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma, but without expression of cycline D1.
Electron microscopy
not done
Precise diagnosis
B cell prolymphocytic leukaemia

Survival data

Date diagnosis
02-2009 (flow cytometry and FISH analysis) First conventionnal cytogenetic analysis performed on 01-2011.
none to date
Complete remission
Treatment relat death
Date last follow


Blood sample
Culture time
72 with DSP30+IL2
Karyotype relapse
Mol cytogenet results
FISH analysis using MYC break apart (Abbott-5J9101) and IgH break apart (Abbott-5J7301) probes on blood sample : confirmation of MYC and IgH rearrangements on respectively 89 and 90% of the cells. FISH analysis on tonsil sample : confirmation of MYC and IgH rearrangements on respectively 80 and 73% of the cells.

Other molec studies

Complementary FISH analysis on initial blood sample (02-2009): - using MYC Break apart probe : presence of MYC rearrangement in 94% of the cells; - using CLL probe set (Abbott-8L5320) : no deletion 17p, no deletion 11q, no trisomy12, no deletion 13q.


Atlas Image
Typical morphology of prolymphocytes observed on blood sample (MGG staining, x100).
Atlas Image
A) Monomorphic lymphoid proliferation with a diffuse growth pattern composed of small to medium-sized cell with slighly irregular nuclear contours (HES-stained section, x400 magnifications). B) The lymphoma cells, intermingled with small reactive T cells, strongly express CD5 (immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded section, x400 magnifications).
Atlas Image
Conventional RHG karyotype with the presence of a t(8;14)(q24;q32) [indicated by red arrows] associated with a t(3;17)(q26;q12).
Atlas Image
FISH metaphase observed on blood sample using MYC break apart probe and showing a split of the fusion signal resulting in the 5 MYC signal located on the der(8) and the 3 MYC signal located on the der(14).
Atlas Image
Interphasic nuclei of tonsil sample observed by hybridization in situ with MYC break apart probe showing a split of the fusion signal in 1 red and 1 green signals demonstrating the presence of MYC rearrangement.

Comments section

MYC rearrangement in chronic lymphocytic disorder is a very rare event (<1 % of CLL) (Lu et al., 2010). The presence of the t(8;14) translocation is preferentially associated with increased prolymphocytes (Huh et al., 2008; Merchant et al., 2003), and, indeed, is described as a recurrent abnormality in B cell prolymphocytic leukaemia (Merchant et al., 2003; Kuriakose et al., 2004; Crisostomo et al., 2007). In the case reported here, two years after the description of 14q32-IgH rearrangement on blood sample, the discovery of a t(8;14) by conventional karyotype was an important clue for the orientation of the diagnosis after reviewing cytologic and immunophenotypic data. In addition, these data lead to reconsider also the initial histopathologic hypothesis of mantle cell lymphoma all the more as no t(11;14) translocation as well as non hyperexpression of cycline D1 were present. Identification of a B cell prolymphocytic leukaemia is essential because of the potential rapid evolution with rising of leucocytes count and the poor response to CLL therapies (Swerdlow et al., 2008).


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126535732003Mature B-cell leukemias with more than 55% prolymphocytes: report of 2 cases with Burkitt lymphoma-type chromosomal translocations involving c-myc.Merchant S et al
150663242004Translocation (8;14)(q24;q32) as the sole cytogenetic abnormality in B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia.Kuriakose P et al
169973732007Complex karyotype including chromosomal translocation (8;14) (q24;q32) in one case with B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia.Crisostomo RH et al
184770412008MYC translocation in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is associated with increased prolymphocytes and a poor prognosis.Huh YO et al
199631362010Genetic and immunophenotypic profile of IGH@ rearrangement detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization in 149 cases of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia.Lu G et al


Steven Richebourg, Richard Garand, Bruno Villemagne, Celine Bossard, Anne Moreau, Pascaline Talmant

Translocation t(8;14)(q24;q32) as a clue for the diagnosis of B cell prolymphocytic leukemia

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2011-03-01

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