i(X)(p10) in male patients

2016-12-01   Tatiana Gindina  

1.R.M. Gorbacheva Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology Hematology and Transplantation at First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University named I.P.Pavlov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia / tatgindina@gmail.com


Review on i(X)(p10) in male patients

Clinics and Pathology


Extremely rarely i(X)(p10) occurs in male patients; only three cases has been reported in lymphoid malignancies, including ALL (Martineau et al, 1996; Gerr et al., 2010) and Follicular lymphoma (Donti et al., 1988).

Phenotype stem cell origin

Trilineage immunophenotype of lymphoblasts in one patient (Gerr et al, 2010); CD19+,CD10- in another one (Martineau et al, 1996).


Table 1. Reported cases with i(X)(p10).
# Age, gender


133, M


46,X,+i(X)(p10),-Y/46,idem,del(17)(p12p13)/46,idem,del(7)(q32q36),del(17) Martineau et al, 1996
29, M


50,Y,i(X)(p10),add(2)(p25),-13,+mar1~5Gerr et al, 2010
3 57, M


49,XY,+i(X)(q10),+i(X)(p10),add(1)(q?),+12,add(14)(q?)(6)/48,Y,i(X)(q10),+i(X)(p10), add(1),t(2;8)(p12;q24),+12,add(14)(2)/46,XX(2) Donti et al, 1988


Survival was 12 months in one case (Gerr et al, 2010).

Result of the Chromosomal Anomaly


The major consequence of this abnormality is loss of several genes on Xq and gain of several genes on Xp, that leads to genetic imbalance.


Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors
179812112007Isochromosome (X)(p10) in hematologic disorders: FISH study of 14 new cases show three types of centromere signal patterns.Adeyinka A et al
33399031988Immunological and molecular studies in a case of follicular lymphoma with an extra chromosome 12 and t(2;8) translocation.Donti E et al
200855752010Acute leukaemias of ambiguous lineage in children: characterization, prognosis and therapy recommendations.Gerr H et al
88895031996Isochromosomes in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: i(21q) is a significant finding.Martineau M et al


Tatiana Gindina

i(X)(p10) in male patients

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2016-12-01

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