Nijmegen breakage syndrome

2002-10-01   Nancy Uhrhammer  , Jacques-Olivier Bay  , Richard A Gatti  

Centre Jean-Perrin, BP 392, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France



Nijmegen breakage syndrome


Ataxia-telangiectasia, variant VI , Seemanova syndrome II , Microcephaly with normal intelligence, immunodeficiency, lymphoreticular malignancies , Immunodeficiency, microcephaly, chromosomal instability


belongs to the group of inherited chromosomal instability syndromes including
  • Blooms syndrome,
  • Fanconis disease, and
  • ataxia telangiectasia(AT); see also, in Deep Insight section: Ataxia-Telangiectasia and variants
  • Inheritance

    autosomal recessive disease; since the recognition of the Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) in 1981, about 70 patients are included in the NBS Registry in Nijmegen; the disease appears to have originated in central Europe, in the Slavic population, and to have spread through a founder effect.


    251260 , 613078




    647 Nijmegen breakage syndrome





    the condition is characterised by growth and mental retardation, craniofacial dysmorphy, ovarian failure, immunodeficiency, chromosome instability, predisposition to lymphoid malignancies, and radiosensitivity.

    Phenotype and clinics

  • growth and mental development: 30 % of children have low birth weight and short stature, and 75% a head circumference at birth below the 3rd percentile; all patients develop a severe microcephaly during the first months of life; mental development is normal in 35% of the patients, moderately retarded in the others, though the mental retardation appears to be progressive; cerebellar ataxia is absent; alphafoetoprotein levels are normal, in contrast to AT patients.
  • craniofacial dysmorphy: progressive and severe microcephaly, \"bird-like\" face with prominent midface, long nose and receding mandible
  • immunodeficiency: severe combined deficiency with agammaglobulinemia, IgA, IgG2 and IgG4 deficiencies, decreased CD3+ and CD4+ lymphocytes, and decreased CD4+ \/ CD8+ ratio; these disturbances are responsible of frequent respiratory, garstrointestinal and urinary infections.
  • Neoplastic risk

    high frequency and early development of lymphomas, more often involving B-cells, in contrast with those found in AT.
    other forms of cancer may also be at higher risk


    Inborn condition

  • lymphocyte cultures often show low mitotic index
  • structural chromosome aberrations are observed in 10-30% of metaphases; most of the rearrangements occur in or between chromosomes 7 and 14, at bands 7p13, 7q35, 14q11, and 14q32, as in AT; these bands contain immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor genes; the most frequent rearrangement is the inv(7)(p13q35)
  • Other Findings


    radiosensitivity: increased sensitivity of both lymphocytes and fibroblasts to ionising radiations and radiomimetics, radio-resistant DNA synthesis.

    Genes involved and Proteins


    16 exons


    the product of NBS1, nibrin (p95), associates with Mre and Rad50 to control the repair of double-strand DNA breaks involved, for example, in VDJ joining in immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor genes recombination process, in meiotic recombination, and in radio-induced DNA lesions; this suggests that nibrin and the product of ATM could act in a common pathway of detection or repair of double-strand breaks, and indeed, ATM phosphorylates nibrin in response to DNA damage. Nibrin\/p95 is found associated with Rad50 and Mre11 at sites of DNA double-strand breaks and is essential for the nuclear localization of the complex.


    all NBS patients show truncating mutations. The common 657del5 allele has been shown to produce a short N-terminal protein of no detectable function, and also a C-terminal protein produced through an alternative translation initiation signal in the deleted mRNA. Data from knockout mice indicates that this C-terminal protein is partially functional, as Nbs1 null alleles are lethal.


    Missence mutations in NBS1 have been associated with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

    To be noted



    Article Bibliography

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    92713791997Nijmegen breakage syndrome cells fail to induce the p53-mediated DNA damage response following exposure to ionizing radiation.Jongmans W et al
    93156681997hMre11 and hRad50 nuclear foci are induced during the normal cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks.Maser RS et al
    112795242001An alternative mode of translation permits production of a variant NBS1 protein from the common Nijmegen breakage syndrome allele.Maser RS et al
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