Weaver syndrome

2007-12-01   Maria Piccione  , Giovanni Corsello  

Dipartimento Materno Infantile, University of Palermo, Italy



Weaver syndrome


The Weaver syndrome is characterized by macrocephaly, dysmorphic facial features, accelerated skeletal maturation, limb anomalies, development delay and a predisposition for tumors.


Inheritance is an autosomal dominant nature.
 , Etiology: Intragenic mutations in the NSD1 gene (nuclear receptor binding SET domain protein 1), that have been associated with Sotos syndrome, have been found in patients with Weaver syndrome.The majority of known NSD1 functional domains are in exons 11-23 and all mutations identified were clustered in these domains. The NSD1 mutations in patients with Weaver syndrome are in exons 5, 16, 19, 22 and 23. The identification of NSD1 mutation in patients with Weaver and Sotos syndrome demonstrates that the two conditions are allelic, but it remains possible that separate, second Weaver syndrome gene exists.
 , The pathophysiology and the etiology of the other cases remain unknown.
 , Although both sexes are affected, the sex ratio is 2M:1F.






3447 Weaver syndrome




Phenotype and clinics

  • Growth: persistent overgrowth of prenatal onset and accelerated growth and markedly advanced skeletal maturation during infancy.
  • Craniofacial: macrocephaly, flat occiput, redundant nuchal skin folds, broad forehead with frontal bossing, thin scalp hair, hypertelorism, upslanting or downslanting palpebral fissures, small palpebral fissures, strabismus, ptosis, broad nasal root, long philtrum, large and dysmorphic ears, micrognathia and highly arched palate.
  • Skeletal findings: advanced bone age, abnormal or assent femur, splayed metaphyses and mottled epiphyses, broad iliac wings and restricted joint mobility.
  • Limb anomalies: campotodactyly, prominent finger pads, clinodactyly of fifth finger and toes, broad thumbs, foot deformities (talipes equinovarus, talipes calcaneovalgus, metatarsus adductus, pes adductus and pes cavus), broad iliac wings, cervical kyphosis, cervical spine anomalies and underdevelopment of the mid cervical vertebral bodies.
  • Performance and Central Nervous System: hypotonia or hypertonia, hoarse voice and development delay.
  • Tumors: neuroblastoma, malignant ovarian endodermal sinus tumor, sacrococcigeal teratoma and lymphoma.

    Occasional abnormalities:

  • Central nervous System abnormalities: dilation of the ventricles, basal cisterns, sylvian cistern and interhemispheric fissure, cystis of the septum pellucidum, enlarged vessels and hypervascularization in the areas of the middle and left posterior cerebral arterias and pachygiria.
  • Difficulty in swallowing or breathing is frequent but voracius appetite is present in infant period.
  • Cardiovascular anomaly: mitral valve prolapse, ventricular septal defect, patent arteriosus ductus and congestive cardiomyopathy.
  • Umbelical hernia
  • Inguinal hernia
  • Cryptorchidism
  • NF1 associated with café-au-lait spots, Lish nodules, axillary freckling and numerous neurofibromas.
  • Skeletal anomalies: demineralisation of the bones of the hands and feet.
  • Atlas Image
    Table 1: Characteristic clinical features of Weaver syndrome

    Differential diagnosis

    It is a clinical overlap with other overgrowth syndromes associated with tumors (tab.2)
    Atlas Image
    Table 2: Comparison of Perlman, Beckwith-Wiedemann, Sotos, Weaver and Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndromes.


    Multidisciplinary management (pediatric, orthopaedic, neurological, Cardiological care etc. ) is necessary. X-ray cervical spine is necessary. Cervical spine anomalies represent a consistent radiographic finding in Weaver syndrome. The brain abnormalities reported in some cases suggest that MRI should be considered as part of the follow-up. The tumors occur in Weaver syndrome more commonly than expected ( 5 patients described). Since two patients have had neuroblastoma, retroperitoneal ultrosonography is suggested every 3 month from 0-3 years, every 6 month from 3-6 years and 1 once a year up to the age of 12.


    Prognosis is variable, most patients have normal life span and the clinical findings in adults with Weaver syndrome are subtle.

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