ERCC4 (xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group F)

2001-05-01   Anne Stary  , Alain Sarasin  

Laboratory of Genetic Instability, Cancer, UPR2169 CNRS, Institut de Recherches sur le Cancer, 7, rue guy Moquet, BP 8, 94801 VILLEJUIF, France


Atlas Image
XPF (16p13) - Courtesy Mariano Rocchi, Resources for Molecular Cytogenetics.



28.2 kb


2881 bp =D0 11 exons



  • xeroderma pigmentosum group F complementing factor; DNA-repair protein complementing XPF cells 905 amino acids; form a stable complex with the ERCC1 protein; The XPF protein and the ERCC1 protein form a complex that exhibits structure specific endonuclease activity that is responsible for the 5 incision during the NER reaction. XPF-ERCC1 also binds to XPA (through ERCC1) and to RPA (through XPF) but not preferentially to damaged DNA. At the site of a lesion Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) proteins create a DNA bubble structure over a length of approximately 25 nucleotides and the XPG protein incises the damaged DNA strand 0-2 nucleotides 3 to the ssDNA-dsDNA junction. In most studies the 3-incision made by the XPG protein appeared to be made prior to and independently of the 5-incision by XPF-ERCC1. XP-F patients have a relatively mild XP phenotype without neurological abnormalities. Cells from XP-F patients are slightly UV-sensitive and exhibit low levels of repair initially after UV-irradiation.
  • The XPF protein is a single-stranded DNA endonuclease that is also involved in a pathway of recombination repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks.
  • Homology

    Substantial homology with the eucaryotic DNA repair and recombination proteins MEI-9 (Drosophila melanogaster), Rad16 (Saccharomyces cerevisae) and Rad1 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe).



    9 point mutations ; 3 small deletions ; 1 small insertion ; 1 gross deletion

    Implicated in

    Entity name
    xeroderma pigmentosum, XP group F
    Early skin tumours in XPF patients

    Article Bibliography

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    90136421997Reconstitution of human excision nuclease with recombinant XPF-ERCC1 complex.Bessho T et al
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    94472311997Excision-repair patch lengths are similar for transcription-coupled repair and global genome repair in UV-irradiated human cells.Bowman KK et al
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    Other Information

    Locus ID:

    NCBI: 2072
    MIM: 133520
    HGNC: 3436
    Ensembl: ENSG00000175595


    dbSNP: 2072
    ClinVar: 2072
    TCGA: ENSG00000175595


    Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

    Expression (GTEx)



    PathwaySourceExternal ID
    Nucleotide excision repairKEGGko03420
    Nucleotide excision repairKEGGhsa03420
    Fanconi anemia pathwayKEGGko03460
    Fanconi anemia pathwayKEGGhsa03460
    DNA RepairREACTOMER-HSA-73894
    DNA Double-Strand Break RepairREACTOMER-HSA-5693532
    Homology Directed RepairREACTOMER-HSA-5693538
    HDR through Homologous Recombination (HR) or Single Strand Annealing (SSA)REACTOMER-HSA-5693567
    HDR through Single Strand Annealing (SSA)REACTOMER-HSA-5685938
    Nucleotide Excision RepairREACTOMER-HSA-5696398
    Global Genome Nucleotide Excision Repair (GG-NER)REACTOMER-HSA-5696399
    Formation of Incision Complex in GG-NERREACTOMER-HSA-5696395
    Dual Incision in GG-NERREACTOMER-HSA-5696400
    Transcription-Coupled Nucleotide Excision Repair (TC-NER)REACTOMER-HSA-6781827
    Dual incision in TC-NERREACTOMER-HSA-6782135
    Fanconi Anemia PathwayREACTOMER-HSA-6783310

    Protein levels (Protein atlas)

    Not detected


    Entity IDNameTypeEvidenceAssociationPKPDPMIDs
    PA164713176Platinum compoundsChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD25069034
    PA443622Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD25069034


    Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
    360704592023Association of ERCC1 and XPF polymorphisms with pediatric glioma susceptibility.1
    360704592023Association of ERCC1 and XPF polymorphisms with pediatric glioma susceptibility.1
    346336542022F-circEA1 regulates cell proliferation and apoptosis through ALK downstream signaling pathway in non-small cell lung cancer.4
    348371482022The link of ERCC2 rs13181 and ERCC4 rs2276466 polymorphisms with breast cancer in the Bangladeshi population.5
    357800632022Association of nonsynonymous SNPs of nucleotide excision repair genes ERCC4 rs1800067 (G/A) and ERCC5 rs17655 (G/C) as predisposing risk factors for gallbladder cancer.0
    346336542022F-circEA1 regulates cell proliferation and apoptosis through ALK downstream signaling pathway in non-small cell lung cancer.4
    348371482022The link of ERCC2 rs13181 and ERCC4 rs2276466 polymorphisms with breast cancer in the Bangladeshi population.5
    357800632022Association of nonsynonymous SNPs of nucleotide excision repair genes ERCC4 rs1800067 (G/A) and ERCC5 rs17655 (G/C) as predisposing risk factors for gallbladder cancer.0
    332023562021DNA base excision repair and nucleotide excision repair proteins in malignant salivary gland tumors.4
    333475462021SLX4-XPF mediates DNA damage responses to replication stress induced by DNA-protein interactions.8
    338270992021Contribution of XPD and XPF Polymorphisms to Susceptibility of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in High-Altitude Areas.0
    339319392021The ZEB2-dependent EMT transcriptional programme drives therapy resistance by activating nucleotide excision repair genes ERCC1 and ERCC4 in colorectal cancer.13
    344165472021XPF -673C>T variation is associated with the susceptibility to breast cancer.0
    332023562021DNA base excision repair and nucleotide excision repair proteins in malignant salivary gland tumors.4
    333475462021SLX4-XPF mediates DNA damage responses to replication stress induced by DNA-protein interactions.8


    Anne Stary ; Alain Sarasin

    ERCC4 (xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group F)

    Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2001-05-01

    Online version: