ERCC1 (excision repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster.)

2006-12-01   Ulla Vogel  

National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Lersø Parkalle 105, DK-2100 Copenhagen O, Denmark





14 305 bp and 10 exons


1,101 bps



297 amino acids


ERCC1 is expressed at higher levels in tumor tissue compared to normal tissue and the expression shows more inter-individual variation among cancer patients than among healthy individuals. ERCC1 expression and ERCC1 protein levels in tumor tissue may predict response to chemotherapy. Thus, non-small cell lung cancer patients with undetectable ERCC1 protein levels in tumor tissue had a longer survival after cisplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy than patients with detectable ERCC1 protein levels. However, high ERCC1 protein levels were associated with increased survival among patients who were not treated with chemotherapy).


ERCC1 was originally identified as a gene that complemented a certain DNA repair defective Chinese Hamster Ovary cells (CHO) UV20. ERCC1 forms a heterodimer with XPF (also called ERCC4) to form the endonuclease which makes the 5 incision during nucleotide excision repair.

ERCC1 mRNA levels in lymphocytes correlate positively with DNA repair capacity measured by host cell reactivation. ERCC1 mRNA levels correlate closely with XPD, OGG1 and RAI mRNA levels in lymphocytes.

In case-control studies of lung cancer patients, lung cancer patients were shown to have lower mRNA levels and lower DNA repair capacity than healthy controls. This was also found in a case-control study of head and neck cancer. However, in a prospective study of lung cancer, persons, who were later diagnosed with lung cancer did not have a lower ERCC1 mRNA level than those who did not get lung cancer, indicating that the low ERCC1 expression level observed in cancer patients may be a result of the disease rather than a cause.

ERCC1 expression seems to be inducible at least at the mRNA level. Thus, the expression of ERCC1 in human lymphocytes correlated with increased solar influx indicating that UV irradiation may induce ERCC1 expression. In mice, X-ray irradiation lead to increased ERCC1 expression in lung tissue, and ingestion of diesel exhaust particles increased ERCC1 expression in liver. This indicates that ERCC1 expression is inducible, and thus that ERCC1 expression levels may rather be a biomarker of the internal dose of DNA damage than a biomarker of DNA repair capacity or a mix of the two.



One of the most frequently studied polymorphisms in ERCC1 is ERCC1 Asn118Asn (rs11615). Homozygous carriers of the haplotype ERCC1 Asn118AsnA, ASE-1 G-21AG, PPP1R13L IVS1 A4364GA have been shown to be at increased risk of breast cancer and lung cancer.
The ERCC1 Asn118Asn polymorphism was found not to correlate with mRNA levels.
ERCC1 C8092A (rs3212986) was found to interact with smoking in relation to risk of lung cancer in a large case-control study. ERCC1 C8092A was found not to correlate with mRNA levels in peripheral blood cells.

Implicated in

Entity name
Breast cancer
Thus, women who were homozygous carriers of the haplotype had a 9.5-fold higher risk of breast cancer before 55 years of age than women who were not homozygous carriers. Older women and heterozygous carriers were not at an increased risk of breast cancer.
Entity name
Lung cancer
Homozygous carriers of the haplotype were found to be at 4.9-fold increased risk of lung cancer in the age interval 50-55 years. The association was stronger among women than among men, although the difference was not statistically significant. In subsequent study including more cases and a larger comparison group, a statistically significant difference between genders was found. Furthermore, it was found that the haplotype interacts with smoking intensity. Thus, among women, who were carriers of the haplotype, additional smoking at high smoking intensity (>20 cigarettes/day) was associated with increased lung cancer risk. This was not seen among women who were not homozygous carriers of the haplotype or among men.

The haplotype was not associated with risk of testis cancer or with risk of colorectal adenomas or colorectal cancer. Furthermore, the haplotype was not associated with risk of basal cell carcinoma among older persons (>60 years).These results indicate that the haplotype may be associated with risk of cancer primarily among young and middle aged persons and that it may be specific for women.

Entity name
Leukemia and bladder cancer
The variant allele of ERCC1 Asn118Asn has also been combined with the polymorphisms XPD Asp312Asn and XPD Lys752Gln in haplotype analysis. Here, the haplotype GAT was associated with increased risk of leukemia and bladder cancer among non-smokers and the ACC haplotype was associated with lowered risk of bladder cancer.
Entity name
Colorectal cancer, small cell lung cancer, and non small cell lung cancer
Carriers of the variant allele of ERCC1 Asn118Asn were found to have a worse prognosis of colorectal cancer, small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, whereas no association with risk of colorectal cancer has been found.

Article Bibliography

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Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 2067
MIM: 126380
HGNC: 3433
Ensembl: ENSG00000012061


dbSNP: 2067
ClinVar: 2067
TCGA: ENSG00000012061


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)



PathwaySourceExternal ID
Nucleotide excision repairKEGGko03420
Nucleotide excision repairKEGGhsa03420
Fanconi anemia pathwayKEGGko03460
Fanconi anemia pathwayKEGGhsa03460
DNA Double-Strand Break RepairREACTOMER-HSA-5693532
Homology Directed RepairREACTOMER-HSA-5693538
HDR through Homologous Recombination (HR) or Single Strand Annealing (SSA)REACTOMER-HSA-5693567
HDR through Single Strand Annealing (SSA)REACTOMER-HSA-5685938
Nucleotide Excision RepairREACTOMER-HSA-5696398
Global Genome Nucleotide Excision Repair (GG-NER)REACTOMER-HSA-5696399
Formation of Incision Complex in GG-NERREACTOMER-HSA-5696395
Dual Incision in GG-NERREACTOMER-HSA-5696400
Transcription-Coupled Nucleotide Excision Repair (TC-NER)REACTOMER-HSA-6781827
Dual incision in TC-NERREACTOMER-HSA-6782135
Fanconi Anemia PathwayREACTOMER-HSA-6783310
Platinum drug resistanceKEGGko01524
Platinum drug resistanceKEGGhsa01524

Protein levels (Protein atlas)

Not detected


Entity IDNameTypeEvidenceAssociationPKPDPMIDs
PA128406956fluorouracilChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD21057378, 23314736, 28796378
PA131285527oxaliplatinChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 23314736, 25069034, 27498158, 29662106
PA150595617platinumChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 25069034, 27498158, 29662106
PA164713176Platinum compoundsChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19203783, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 23962907, 25069034, 27498158, 28796378, 29662106
PA166122986radiotherapyChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD25026457, 28796378
PA166170245febrile neutropeniaDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD
PA443560Breast NeoplasmsDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD25495407
PA443622Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19203783, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 23962907, 25069034, 27498158, 29662106
PA443756Colonic NeoplasmsDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD23314736
PA444101Esophageal NeoplasmsDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19203783, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 23962907, 25069034, 27498158, 29662106
PA444937MesotheliomaDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 25069034, 27498158, 29662106
PA444985Multiple MyelomaDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD21435719
PA445062NeoplasmsDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 25069034, 27498158, 29177570, 29662106
PA445204Ovarian NeoplasmsDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19203783, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 25069034, 27498158, 29662106
PA445218Pancreatic NeoplasmsDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 25069034, 27498158, 29662106
PA445503Rectal NeoplasmsDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD25026457
PA445742Stomach NeoplasmsDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD28796378
PA445828Testicular NeoplasmsDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD
PA446108Colorectal NeoplasmsDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 25069034, 27498158, 29662106
PA448803carboplatinChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 25069034, 27498158, 29662106
PA449014cisplatinChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD18347182, 19203783, 19362955, 19786980, 21057378, 21262916, 21902499, 22026922, 22188361, 22329723, 23962907, 25069034, 27498158, 29662106
PA449165cyclophosphamideChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD19786980, 22188361
PA450198leucovorinChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD21057378, 23314736


Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
384792792024Relationship between ERCC1 and XPC polymorphisms and the susceptibility to head and neck carcinoma: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis.1
384792792024Relationship between ERCC1 and XPC polymorphisms and the susceptibility to head and neck carcinoma: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis.1
360704592023Association of ERCC1 and XPF polymorphisms with pediatric glioma susceptibility.1
365944752023Involvement of ERCC1 (rs3212986) and ERCC2 (rs1799793, rs13181) polymorphisms of DNA repair genes in breast cancer occurrence in Burkina Faso.2
367085572023Genetic Polymorphisms in ERCC1 Gene and Their Association with Response to Radiotherapy in Moroccan Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.1
375103702023ERCC1 and MGMT Methylation as a Predictive Marker of Relapse and FOLFOX Response in Colorectal Cancer Patients from South Tunisia.1
360704592023Association of ERCC1 and XPF polymorphisms with pediatric glioma susceptibility.1
365944752023Involvement of ERCC1 (rs3212986) and ERCC2 (rs1799793, rs13181) polymorphisms of DNA repair genes in breast cancer occurrence in Burkina Faso.2
367085572023Genetic Polymorphisms in ERCC1 Gene and Their Association with Response to Radiotherapy in Moroccan Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.1
375103702023ERCC1 and MGMT Methylation as a Predictive Marker of Relapse and FOLFOX Response in Colorectal Cancer Patients from South Tunisia.1
337648112022Predictive Value of ERCC1 mRNA Level from Receiver-Operator Characteristic and Pretreatment EBV-DNA Virus Load in Stage II Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients Receiving Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy with Concurrent Cisplatin.0
356277772022Modification Effect of PARP4 and ERCC1 Gene Polymorphisms on the Relationship between Particulate Matter Exposure and Fasting Glucose Level.2
361812892022A miR-15a related polymorphism affects NSCLC prognosis via altering ERCC1 repair to platinum-based chemotherapy.2
362770132022Association between ERCC1 Gene Polymorphism (rs11615) and Colorectal Cancer Susceptibility: A Meta-Analysis of Medical Image Fusion and Safety Applications.0
367134312022Perspectives of ERCC1 in early-stage and advanced cervical cancer: From experiments to clinical applications.3


Ulla Vogel

ERCC1 (excision repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster.)

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2006-12-01

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