RHOB (ras homolog gene family, member B)

2007-02-01   Minzhou Huang  , Lisa D Laury-Kleintop  , George Prendergast  

Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, 100 Lancaster Avenue, Wynnewood PA 19096, USA




Atlas Image


The gene encompasses 2,366 bps (chr2:20,510,316-20,512,681); 1 exon.


The coding sequence (CDS) region is 395.983bp (588 bp) encoding a protein of 196 aa long.



Length 196 aa, molecular weight 22123 Da (unprocessed precursor). RhoB protein exists in different geranylgeranylated (RhoB-GG) or farnesylated (RhoB-F) isoforms in cells.


Widely expressed.


Endosome; Late endosome; late endosomal membrane; cell membrane; Also detected at the nuclear margin and in the nucleus. Prenylation specifies the subcellular location of RHOB. In general, the farnesylated form is localized to the plasma membrane while the geranylgeranylated form is localized to the endosome.


Regulator of protein signaling and trafficking:
Plays a pivotal role in the dynamic regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. Involved in intracellular protein trafficking of a number of proteins. Targets PRK1 to endosomes and is involved in trafficking of the EGF receptor from late endosomes to lysosomes. Also required for stability and nuclear trafficking of Akt which promotes endothelial cell survival during vascular development. Identified as a component of outside-in signaling pathways that coordinate Src activation with its translocation to transmembrane receptors.
Negative modifier of cancer progression:
Affects cell adhesion and growth factor signaling in transformed cells. Plays a negative role in tumorigenesis as RhoB deletion increases tumor formation initiated by Ras mutation. Limits the proliferation of transformed cells by facilitating turnover of oncogene c-Myc. Expression levels are dramatically decreased in lung, head and neck, and brain cancer, when tumors become more aggressive.
Modulator of cancer cell apoptosis:
Promotes proapoptotic signaling of regulators involved in cell cycle checkpoints, cell adhesion, vesicle trafficking, MAPK signaling, transcription, and immunity. Mediates apoptosis in neoplastically transformed cells after DNA damage. Is essential for apoptosis and antineoplastic activity of farnesyltransferase inhibitors in a mouse model. Is one of the targets of farnesyltransferase inhibitors which are currently under investigation as cancer therapeutics.


Member of the ras gene superfamily; rho family; GTP-binding proteins. The RhoA, RhoB, and RhoC proteins form a closely related subgroup that are about 90% identical in amino acid sequence. The sequences of RHOB are highly-conserved between species (from human to fly). Amino acid sequences of human, mouse and rat are 100% identical while sequence homology between human and chicken is 97% identical.

Implicated in

Entity name
Lung cancer
RhoB expression is frequently downregulated in lung cancer by multiple mechanisms. Low or no expression of RhoB is more frequently observed in poorly- or moderately-differentiated adenocarcinomas, and indicative of poor patient prognosis.
Entity name
Head and neck cancer
RhoB expression decreases to undetectable level as tumors become more invasive and poorly differentiated. In contrast, Ki67 (proliferation marker) and RhoA protein levels increase with tumor progression.


Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors

Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 388
MIM: 165370
HGNC: 668
Ensembl: ENSG00000143878


dbSNP: 388
ClinVar: 388
TCGA: ENSG00000143878


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)



PathwaySourceExternal ID
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregationREACTOMER-HSA-76002
GPVI-mediated activation cascadeREACTOMER-HSA-114604
Signal TransductionREACTOMER-HSA-162582
Signaling by Rho GTPasesREACTOMER-HSA-194315
Rho GTPase cycleREACTOMER-HSA-194840
RHO GTPase EffectorsREACTOMER-HSA-195258
RHO GTPases Activate ROCKsREACTOMER-HSA-5627117
RHO GTPases activate PKNsREACTOMER-HSA-5625740
RHO GTPases activate CITREACTOMER-HSA-5625900
RHO GTPases Activate ForminsREACTOMER-HSA-5663220
RHO GTPases Activate Rhotekin and RhophilinsREACTOMER-HSA-5666185
Signaling by GPCRREACTOMER-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalingREACTOMER-HSA-388396
G alpha (12/13) signalling eventsREACTOMER-HSA-416482
Developmental BiologyREACTOMER-HSA-1266738
Axon guidanceREACTOMER-HSA-422475
Semaphorin interactionsREACTOMER-HSA-373755
Sema4D in semaphorin signalingREACTOMER-HSA-400685
Sema4D induced cell migration and growth-cone collapseREACTOMER-HSA-416572


Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
369965792023RhoB as a tumor suppressor: It's all about localization.1
369965792023RhoB as a tumor suppressor: It's all about localization.1
360474342022RhoB Promotes Endometrial Stromal Cells Decidualization Via Semaphorin3A/PlexinA4 Signaling in Early Pregnancy.1
361145822022RhoB affects colitis through modulating cell signaling and intestinal microbiome.11
360474342022RhoB Promotes Endometrial Stromal Cells Decidualization Via Semaphorin3A/PlexinA4 Signaling in Early Pregnancy.1
361145822022RhoB affects colitis through modulating cell signaling and intestinal microbiome.11
339725372021An infection-induced RhoB-Beclin 1-Hsp90 complex enhances clearance of uropathogenic Escherichia coli.7
341879342021CNKSR1 serves as a scaffold to activate an EGFR phosphatase via exclusive interaction with RhoB-GTP.5
345572032021Integrated Analysis of Prognostic Genes Associated With Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Renal Transplantation.6
348349202021A CRISPR Activation Screen Identifies an Atypical Rho GTPase That Enhances Zika Viral Entry.8
339725372021An infection-induced RhoB-Beclin 1-Hsp90 complex enhances clearance of uropathogenic Escherichia coli.7
341879342021CNKSR1 serves as a scaffold to activate an EGFR phosphatase via exclusive interaction with RhoB-GTP.5
345572032021Integrated Analysis of Prognostic Genes Associated With Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Renal Transplantation.6
348349202021A CRISPR Activation Screen Identifies an Atypical Rho GTPase That Enhances Zika Viral Entry.8
289601752020Endothelial RhoB and RhoC are dispensable for leukocyte diapedesis and for maintaining vascular integrity during diapedesis.2


Minzhou Huang ; Lisa D Laury-Kleintop ; George Prendergast

RHOB (ras homolog gene family, member B)

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2007-02-01

Online version: http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/gene/42108/js/case-report-explorer/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png