NSD2 (nuclear receptor binding SET domain protein 2 )

2012-05-01   Eva Martinez-Garcia  , Jonathan D Licht  

Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Hematology\\\/Oncology Division, 303 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611-3008, USA





Spans 120 Kb of genomic DNA and consists of 24 exons transcribed into a mRNA that undergoes alternative splicing (Marango et al., 2007).


Undergoes complex alternative splicing. Most primary trancripts splice directly to exon 3, which contains the proper translation initiation site, though small fraction of transcripts retain upstream sequence including exons 1 and 2 (Keats et al., 2005).


Atlas Image
Conserved domains present in MMSET variants (adapted from Keats et al., 2005).


Alternative splicing of exon 4 to 4a instead of 5 generates de MMSET III protein (273 amino acids, 32 kDa), due to the presence of an in-frame stop codon in exon 4a. Alternative splicing of exon 10 to 11 or 12 generates MMSET I (647 amino acids, 75 kDa) or the full-length MMSET II (1365 amino acids, 155 kDa) respectively, due to the presence of an in-frame stop codon in exon 11. A third transcript initiated within a middle intron of MMSET, encoding a mRNA comprising the 3half of MMSET gene was identified and encodes a protein named RE-IIBP.
The long transcript, MMSET II, contains: 2 PWWP (proline-tryptophan-tryptophan-proline) domain, a HMG box (high mobility group), 4 PHD (plant-home domain)- type zinc finger motifs and a SET domain. MMSET I contains only a PWWP and a HMG domain and REIIBP, 2 PHD, a PWWP and a SET domain (Keats et al., 2005).


Widely expressed.
It is expressed preferentially in rapidly growing embryonic tissues, in a pattern corresponding to affected organs in WHS patients (Stec et al., 1998). Recently it has been shown that MMSET is highly expressed in different tumor types such as carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, colon, anal canal), small cell lung carcinoma, bladder, female genitals and skin (Hudlebusch et al., 2011). It is also highly expressed and associated with aggressive neuroblastoma (Hudlebusch et al., 2011).


Homogenous pattern within the nucleus, excluded from the nucleolus.


Histone methyltransferase that leads to dimethylation of histone 3 lysine 36 (H3K36) (Marango et al., 2008; Martinez-Garcia et al., 2011; Kuo et al., 2011). WHSC1 is involved in the cellular response to DNA damage through its activity on H4K20 residue (Hajdu et al., 2011; Pei et al., 2011).

Implicated in

Entity name
WHSC1 was identified as a gene involved in the t(4;14)(p16;q32) translocation present in approximately 15% to 20% of MM (Chesi et al., 1998). This subtype of myeloma with t(4;14)(p16;q32) has a poor prognosis with frequent relapse after autologous stem-cell transplantation (Moreau et al., 2002; Chang et al., 2004).
Atlas Image
The t(4;14) Translocation Identifies MMSET as an oncogene in Multiple Myeloma. The gene rearrangement links the Eµ enhancer 5 to MMSET, driving transcription of MMSET from the telomeric-centromeric direction. The reciprocal translocation links an Ig enhancer 3 to the FGFR3 locus stimulating transcription in the centromeric-telomeric direction.
Entity name
WHSC1 expression level is correlated with glioma grade, and it appears to be directly involved in the proliferative capacity of GBM cells in vitro (Li et al., 2008).
Entity name
MMSET is highly expressed in 75% neuroblastomas and is associated with aggressiveness. MMSET is associated with poor prognostic markers, poor survival, and progression; and is required for proliferation of neuroblastoma cells (Hudlebusch et al., 2011).
Entity name
Urinary bladder cancer
In urinary bladder cancer, MMSET protein was detected in 40% of the cases and was associated with aggressiveness: expression levels correlated with poor prognostic markers (stage, grade, age, and type of tumor growth), and progression (Hudlebusch et al., 2011).
Entity name
Prostate cancer
Analysis of microarray databases indicates that MMSET expression rises in the progression from benign prostatic epithelium to localized and metastatic PCa. Overexpression of MMSET in RWPE-1 cells is accompanied by an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), characterized by a change in cell morphology and increased expression of mesenchymal markers vimentin and N-cadherin. Twist1, an EMT promoting gene, was strongly regulated by MMSET (Ezponda-Itoiz et al., 2012).
Entity name
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS)
Wolf-Hirshhorn syndrome is caused by a partial deletion of chromosome 4p, particularly in the region of WHSC1 and WHSC2. About 87% of cases represent a de novo deletion, while about 13% are inherited from a parent with a chromosome translocation.

Article Bibliography

Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors
150159702004The t(4;14) is associated with poor prognosis in myeloma patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplant.Chang H et al
97871351998The t(4;14) translocation in myeloma dysregulates both FGFR3 and a novel gene, MMSET, resulting in IgH/MMSET hybrid transcripts.Chesi M et al
227970642013The histone methyltransferase MMSET/WHSC1 activates TWIST1 to promote an epithelial-mesenchymal transition and invasive properties of prostate cancer.Ezponda T et al
217885152011Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1 is involved in the cellular response to DNA damage.Hajdu I et al
215275572011MMSET is highly expressed and associated with aggressiveness in neuroblastoma.Hudlebusch HR et al
156775572005Overexpression of transcripts originating from the MMSET locus characterizes all t(4;14)(p16;q32)-positive multiple myeloma patients.Keats JJ et al
220993082011NSD2 links dimethylation of histone H3 at lysine 36 to oncogenic programming.Kuo AJ et al
181826272008Identification of a novel proliferation-related protein, WHSC1 4a, in human gliomas.Li J et al
181564912008The MMSET protein is a histone methyltransferase with characteristics of a transcriptional corepressor.Marango J et al
209746712011The MMSET histone methyl transferase switches global histone methylation and alters gene expression in t(4;14) multiple myeloma cells.Martinez-Garcia E et al
121768742002Recurrent 14q32 translocations determine the prognosis of multiple myeloma, especially in patients receiving intensive chemotherapy.Moreau P et al
212933792011MMSET regulates histone H4K20 methylation and 53BP1 accumulation at DNA damage sites.Pei H et al
96181631998WHSC1, a 90 kb SET domain-containing gene, expressed in early development and homologous to a Drosophila dysmorphy gene maps in the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome critical region and is fused to IgH in t(4;14) multiple myeloma.Stec I et al

Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 7468
MIM: 602952
HGNC: 12766
Ensembl: ENSG00000109685


dbSNP: 7468
ClinVar: 7468
TCGA: ENSG00000109685


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)



PathwaySourceExternal ID
Lysine degradationKEGGko00310
Lysine degradationKEGGhsa00310
Transcriptional misregulation in cancerKEGGko05202
Transcriptional misregulation in cancerKEGGhsa05202
Cell CycleREACTOMER-HSA-1640170
Cell Cycle CheckpointsREACTOMER-HSA-69620
G2/M CheckpointsREACTOMER-HSA-69481
G2/M DNA damage checkpointREACTOMER-HSA-69473
Chromatin organizationREACTOMER-HSA-4839726
Chromatin modifying enzymesREACTOMER-HSA-3247509
PKMTs methylate histone lysinesREACTOMER-HSA-3214841
DNA Double-Strand Break RepairREACTOMER-HSA-5693532
DNA Double Strand Break ResponseREACTOMER-HSA-5693606
Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaksREACTOMER-HSA-5693565
Homology Directed RepairREACTOMER-HSA-5693538
HDR through Homologous Recombination (HR) or Single Strand Annealing (SSA)REACTOMER-HSA-5693567
Processing of DNA double-strand break endsREACTOMER-HSA-5693607
Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ)REACTOMER-HSA-5693571

Protein levels (Protein atlas)

Not detected


Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
382367232024Decreased NSD2 impairs stromal cell proliferation in human endometrium via reprogramming H3K36me2.0
383530532024Clinical details of individuals with Rauch-Steindl syndrome due to NSD2 truncating variants.1
387091692024ISWI chromatin remodeling complexes recruit NSD2 and H3K36me2 in pericentromeric heterochromatin.1
382367232024Decreased NSD2 impairs stromal cell proliferation in human endometrium via reprogramming H3K36me2.0
383530532024Clinical details of individuals with Rauch-Steindl syndrome due to NSD2 truncating variants.1
387091692024ISWI chromatin remodeling complexes recruit NSD2 and H3K36me2 in pericentromeric heterochromatin.1
359849022023The location of the t(4;14) translocation breakpoint within the NSD2 gene identifies a subset of patients with high-risk NDMM.10
361895772023The constitutional gain-of-function variant p.Glu1099Lys in NSD2 is associated with a novel syndrome.0
370164312023NSD2 E1099K drives relapse in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia by disrupting 3D chromatin organization.4
370734352023WHSC1 is involved in DNA damage, cellular senescence and immune response in hepatocellular carcinoma progression.2
371503252023The T1150A cancer mutant of the protein lysine dimethyltransferase NSD2 can introduce H3K36 trimethylation.2
374632412023Histone Methyltransferase NSD2 Activates PKCα to Drive Metabolic Reprogramming and Lenalidomide Resistance in Multiple Myeloma.0
359849022023The location of the t(4;14) translocation breakpoint within the NSD2 gene identifies a subset of patients with high-risk NDMM.10
361895772023The constitutional gain-of-function variant p.Glu1099Lys in NSD2 is associated with a novel syndrome.0
370164312023NSD2 E1099K drives relapse in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia by disrupting 3D chromatin organization.4


Eva Martinez-Garcia ; Jonathan D Licht

NSD2 (nuclear receptor binding SET domain protein 2 )

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2012-05-01

Online version: http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/gene/42809/whsc1id42809ch4p16

Historical Card

2008-11-01 NSD2 (nuclear receptor binding SET domain protein 2 ) by  Eva Martinez-Garcia,Jonathan D Licht 

Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Hematology\\\/Oncology Division, 303 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611-3008, USA