Paola Dal Cin

Professor, Pathology, Harvard Medical SchoolCytogeneticist, Cytogenetics Laboratory, Brigham And Women's Hospital,Boston, MA 02215 pdalcin@bwh.harvard.eduHarvard profile
Dr. Dal Cin is professor of Pathology at Harvard University and ABMG-certified Clinical Cytogeneticist with many years of clinical practice and research involving the cytogenetics of cancer. Her primary responsibility is diagnostic molecular cytogenetics and conventional cytogenetics of neoplasms in the Brigham and Women's Hospital Clinical Cytogenetics Laboratory. Her clinical and research work have focused on the primary discovery of many of the characteristic chromosome aberrations in malignancies, particularly of soft tissue tumors , uterus and kidney . The identification of these genetic changes is critical in the differential diagnosis and clinical care of patients with such tumors. She has over 400 publications, the majority of which are peer-reviewed, and all of which focus on cancer cytogenetics of both solid tumors and hematologic malignancies.
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