SULF2 (sulfatase 2)

2013-04-01   Lewis Roberts  , Chunling Hu  

Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, Rochester, MN 55905, USA





SULF2 55959 chr 20: 46286150-46415360. The gene encompasses 130 kb of DNA; 21 exons.


3 transcripts: transcript variant 1, 3909 bp linear mRNA, 21 exons (NM_018837); transcript variant 2, 4239 bp linear mRNA, 21 exons (NM_198596); transcript variant 3, 4248 bp linear mRNA, 21 exons (NM_001161841).


Atlas Image
Schematic diagram of SULF2 with domains.


870 amino acid; 100 kDa protein; post translational modification: 11 N-glycosylation sites; contains from N-term to C-term, a signal peptide (1-24), a enzymatic domain (25-400) which contains a conserved cysteine (88) essential for the catalytic activity, a hydrophilic domain (401-739) which contains four lysines and arginies rich domains suited for interactions with sulfated HSGAGs that fit the heparin-binding motif, and a glucosamine-6-sulfatase domain (740-870).


Widely expressed, especially in ovary, skeletal muscle, stomach, brain, uterus, heart, kidney, and placenta.


Extracellular space, cell surface, plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi stack.


SULF2 is a member of a novel family of extracellular HS 6-O endosulfatases with heparin-degrading endosulfatase activity. SULF2 desulfates HS and increases the local concentration of growth factors in the extracellular matrix. The released growth factors then bind to their cell surface receptors, with the consequent activation of cell growth and survival pathways in HCC. SULF2 up-regulated GPC3 expression and FGF2 ligand-receptor binding and signaling. It has been shown that SULF2 liberates growth factors such as Wnt3a from HSPGs such as GPC3 on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix by desulfating heparan sulfate (HS). It has been reported that SULF2 mRNA is up-regulated in human breast cancers, and suppression of SULF2 expression decreases tumorigenesis of pancreatic cancer cell lines. SULF2 regulates PDGFRα signaling and growth in malignant glioma.


Conserved in Rhesus monkey, dog, cow, mouse, rat, chicken, and zebrafish.


Atlas Image


Identified mutations in various cancers.

Implicated in

Entity name
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
In a microarray experiment performed on paired benign and tumor tissues from HCC patients, SULF2 expression was higher in the tumors than in the benign tissues in 79 (57%) of 139 HCCs. Patients with tumors expressing high SULF2 levels had a significantly poorer prognosis than those with tumor expressing low SULF2 levels (Lai et al., 2008a).
Expression of SULF2 promotes HCC cell proliferation and migration. Knockdown of SULF2 decreases HCC cell proliferation and migration. SULF2 promotes tumorigenesis in nude mice and up-regulates GPC3 in vivo (Lai et al., 2008a).
Entity name
Lung cancer
Paired samples of lung squamous carcinoma and non malignant neighboring tissue were obtained from 10 patients undergoing surgical resection. SULF2 increased in 8/10 pairs with a mean increase of 3 ± 0.3-fold. qPCR analysis of SULF2 in archived cases of lung carcinoma verified it. SULF2 increased 4 ± 0.3 fold in squamous carcinomas and 3 ± 0.4 fold in adenocarcinomas (Lemjabbar-Alaoui et al., 2010).
Knockdown of SULF2 or expression of dominant-negative SULF2 reduces growth of lung cancer cells. SULF2 over-expression in non-malignant bronchial epithelial cells induces a transformed phenotype in culture. SULF2 knockdown reduces growth of tumors arising from lung cancer cells (Lemjabbar-Alaoui et al., 2010).
Entity name
Glioblastoma (GBM)
SULF2 expression is elevated in GBM. Unsing a stringent cutoff of a 10-fold increase in SULF2 SAGE tags over levels in normal brain to define high SULF2 levels, 7 of 16 GBMs has increased SULF2 expression. Strikingly, in an independent set of 424 primary human GBM tumors, SULF2 expression was increased in 46% (197/424) of tumors related to normal brain. Immunohistochemistry on an independent set of 57 primary human GBM tumors demonstrated SULF2 protein in tumor cells in 50% of tumors. SULF2 expression is associated with the proneural subtype of GBM characterized by abnormalities in the PDGFRα-signaling pathway and SULF2 expression is associated with the proneural GBM subtype (Phillips et al., 2012).
SULF2 confers a growth advantage to human GBM cells, SULF2 knockdown resulted in a significant decrease in cell viability. SULF2 also confers a growth advantage to human GBM cells in vivo. SULF2 confers increased tumorigenicity and proliferation. Prolonged survival confered by ablation of SULF2 in tumorigenic neurospheres. And absence of SULF2 resulted in decreased tumor cell proliferation in vivo (Phillips et al., 2012).


Atlas Image


Fusion of ARFGEF2 exon 1 to SULF2 exons 3-21.


Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors
215999972011SULFs in human neoplasia: implication as progression and prognosis factors.Bret C et al
191903382009Identification of SULF2 as a novel transcriptional target of p53 by use of integrated genomic analyses.Chau BN et al
161922652005HSulf-1 and HSulf-2 are potent inhibitors of myeloma tumor growth in vivo.Dai Y et al
219680182011Sulf2 gene is alternatively spliced in mammalian developing and tumour tissues with functional implications.Gill RB et al
207259052010The oncogenic effect of sulfatase 2 in human hepatocellular carcinoma is mediated in part by glypican 3-dependent Wnt activation.Lai JP et al
210404062010Sulfatase 2 protects hepatocellular carcinoma cells against apoptosis induced by the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 and ERK and JNK kinase inhibitors.Lai JP et al
190868472008Heparin-degrading sulfatases in hepatocellular carcinoma: roles in pathogenesis and therapy targets.Lai JP et al
186876752008Sulf loss influences N-, 2-O-, and 6-O-sulfation of multiple heparan sulfate proteoglycans and modulates fibroblast growth factor signaling.Lamanna WC et al
198554362010Sulf-2, a heparan sulfate endosulfatase, promotes human lung carcinogenesis.Lemjabbar-Alaoui H et al
163318862005Sulf-2, a proangiogenic heparan sulfate endosulfatase, is upregulated in breast cancer.Morimoto-Tomita M et al
185078592008Expression of novel extracellular sulfatases Sulf-1 and Sulf-2 in normal and osteoarthritic articular cartilage.Otsuki S et al
207079132010Human Sulfatase 2 inhibits in vivo tumor growth of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer xenografts.Peterson SM et al
222931782012Heparan sulfate sulfatase SULF2 regulates PDGFRα signaling and growth in human and mouse malignant glioma.Phillips JJ et al
213474312011Glycomics analysis of mammalian heparan sulfates modified by the human extracellular sulfatase HSulf2.Staples GO et al
195208662009Functional consequences of the subdomain organization of the sulfs.Tang R et al
164176322006HSulf-2, an extracellular endoglucosamine-6-sulfatase, selectively mobilizes heparin-bound growth factors and chemokines: effects on VEGF, FGF-1, and SDF-1.Uchimura K et al
211047852011Sulfatase 1 and sulfatase 2 in hepatocellular carcinoma: associated signaling pathways, tumor phenotypes, and survival.Yang JD et al

Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 55959
MIM: 610013
HGNC: 20392
Ensembl: ENSG00000196562


dbSNP: 55959
ClinVar: 55959
TCGA: ENSG00000196562


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)


Protein levels (Protein atlas)

Not detected


Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
354724372022SULF2 enhances GDF15-SMAD axis to facilitate the initiation and progression of pancreatic cancer.9
360682942022Extracellular sulfatase-2 is overexpressed in rheumatoid arthritis and mediates the TNF-α-induced inflammatory activation of synovial fibroblasts.8
354724372022SULF2 enhances GDF15-SMAD axis to facilitate the initiation and progression of pancreatic cancer.9
360682942022Extracellular sulfatase-2 is overexpressed in rheumatoid arthritis and mediates the TNF-α-induced inflammatory activation of synovial fibroblasts.8
337355252021Sulfatase 2 (SULF2) Monoclonal Antibody 5D5 Suppresses Human Cholangiocarcinoma Xenograft Growth Through Regulation of a SULF2-Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta-Yes-Associated Protein Signaling Axis.8
339088192021Extracellular sulfatases as potential blood-based biomarkers for early detection of lung cancer.1
337355252021Sulfatase 2 (SULF2) Monoclonal Antibody 5D5 Suppresses Human Cholangiocarcinoma Xenograft Growth Through Regulation of a SULF2-Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta-Yes-Associated Protein Signaling Axis.8
339088192021Extracellular sulfatases as potential blood-based biomarkers for early detection of lung cancer.1
306987372019TRF2 positively regulates SULF2 expression increasing VEGF-A release and activity in tumor microenvironment.27
314996802019MicroRNA-527 inhibits TGF-β/SMAD induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition via downregulating SULF2 expression in non-small-cell lung cancer.9
306987372019TRF2 positively regulates SULF2 expression increasing VEGF-A release and activity in tumor microenvironment.27
314996802019MicroRNA-527 inhibits TGF-β/SMAD induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition via downregulating SULF2 expression in non-small-cell lung cancer.9
293604322018Multi-tasking Sulf1/Sulf2 enzymes do not only facilitate extracellular cell signalling but also participate in cell cycle related nuclear events.4
297207272018Recapitulation of pharmacogenomic data reveals that invalidation of SULF2 enhance sorafenib susceptibility in liver cancer.11
293604322018Multi-tasking Sulf1/Sulf2 enzymes do not only facilitate extracellular cell signalling but also participate in cell cycle related nuclear events.4


Lewis Roberts ; Chunling Hu

SULF2 (sulfatase 2)

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2013-04-01

Online version: