CLDN10 (claudin 10)

2011-12-01   Madhu Lal-Nag  

Laboratory of Cellular, Molecular Biology, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health Biomedical Research Center, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA




Atlas Image
The three different isoforms of claudin 10; claudin 10 (a), claudin 10 (b) and claudin 10 (a_i1).


Claudin 10 has 3 different transcripts.
NP_878268.1 [NCBI Entrez] claudin-10 isoform a: This variant (a) is the longest transcript and encodes claudin-10 isoform a. Its composition is as follows:
- Exons: 5;
- Transcript length: 2549 bps;
- Translation length: 226 residues.

NP_008915.1 [NCBI Entrez] claudin-10 isoform b precursor: This variant (b) is different from the isoform (a) above in the 5 UTR and 5 coding region. It uses an alternate promoter, compared to variant a. The resulting isoform (b) has a longer and more distinct N-terminus. Its composition is as follows:
- Exons: 5;
- Transcript length: 949 bps;
- Translation length: 228 residues.

NP_001153572.1 [NCBI Entrez] claudin-10 isoform a_i1: This variant (a_v1) uses an alternate in-frame splice site in the 5 coding region, compared to claudin 10 isoform a. The resulting isoform (a_i1) lacks an internal segment near the N-terminus, compared to isoform a. Its composition is as follows:
- Exons: 2;
- Transcript length: 701 bps;
- Translation length: 73 residues AK055855, BG697724, DA636757, DB544708 (source sequences NCBI).



Claudin 10 plays a major role as a component of tight junctions. CLDN10 encodes a member of the claudin family. Claudins are integral membrane proteins and components of tight junction strands. Tight junction strands function as a physical barrier to prevent solutes and water from passing freely through the paracellular space between epithelial or endothelial cell sheets. They are also critical in maintaining cell polarity and mediating signals. The expression level of this gene is associated with recurrence of primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Six alternatively spliced transcripts encoding different isoforms of CLDN10 have been reported, but not all of them have been recorded.
Atlas Image
The four transmembrane, two extracellular, 3 helical and two cytoplasmic domains of claudin protein.


228 amino acids. Modified amino acid residue at position 94 is a phosphoserine. Human and mouse isoforms of CLDN10 have been cloned. Claudin-10 shares between 20 and 45% sequence similarity between other claudin family members at the amino acid level, displaying highest sequence similarity to claudin-15.
CLAUDIN10 is a 4-element fingerprint that provides a signature for claudin-10 proteins. The fingerprint was derived from an initial alignment of 2 sequences: the motifs were drawn from conserved regions spanning virtually the full alignment length, focusing on those sections thatcharacterize claudin-10 and distinguish it from other family members - motif 1 lies in the first TM domain; motif 2 resides within in the second TM domain; motifs 3 spans part of the fourth TM domain and part of the C-terminal region; and motif 4 resides within the cytoplasmic C-terminus.
Atlas Image
Sequence similarity between the various claudins showing that claudin 10 has the highest sequence similarity to claudin 15.


At the cell membrane in 85 organs and 13 developmental stages (Bgee)[P78369].


Cell membrane.


From the KEGG pathway.
Claudin 10 as an integral part of tight junction composition plays an important role in Leukocyte migration. They are also important components of cell adhesion molecules and serve as a receptor for the HCV virus via their extracellular loop.
hsa04514: Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)
hsa04530: Tight junction
hsa04670: Leukocyte transendothelial migration
hsa05160: Hepatitis C


The CLDN10 gene is conserved in chimpanzee, dog, cow, mouse, rat, chicken, and zebrafish.



Total disease mutations: 0; total SNPs: 5.

Implicated in

Entity name
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
Claudin 10 is highly expressed in patients suffering from HCC and is an independent prognostic survival factor after surgery. It is closely related to microvessel density and angiogenesis.
Entity name
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer in a chicken model to be used as a basis to study the relevance of CLDN10 expression in ovarian cancer in humans.
Claudin 10 mRNA expression was significantly upregulated in cancerous chicken ovaries with respect to normal ovaries implicating it in the etiology of this disease.


Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors
157018402005Claudin-10 expression level is associated with recurrence of primary hepatocellular carcinoma.Cheung ST et al
193837242009Claudin-10 exists in six alternatively spliced isoforms that exhibit distinct localization and function.Günzel D et al
216476782011Expression of claudin 10 protein in hepatocellular carcinoma: impact on survival.Huang GW et al
197062012009The claudins.Lal-Nag M et al
213705932010Claudin 10 is a glandular epithelial marker in the chicken model as human epithelial ovarian cancer.Seo HW et al

Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 9071
MIM: 617579
HGNC: 2033
Ensembl: ENSG00000134873


dbSNP: 9071
ClinVar: 9071
TCGA: ENSG00000134873


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)



PathwaySourceExternal ID
Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)KEGGko04514
Tight junctionKEGGko04530
Leukocyte transendothelial migrationKEGGko04670
Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)KEGGhsa04514
Tight junctionKEGGhsa04530
Leukocyte transendothelial migrationKEGGhsa04670
Hepatitis CKEGGko05160
Hepatitis CKEGGhsa05160
Cell-Cell communicationREACTOMER-HSA-1500931
Cell junction organizationREACTOMER-HSA-446728
Cell-cell junction organizationREACTOMER-HSA-421270
Tight junction interactionsREACTOMER-HSA-420029

Protein levels (Protein atlas)

Not detected


Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
354147672022Claudin-10 overexpression suppresses human clear cell renal cell carcinoma growth and metastasis by regulating ATP5O and causing mitochondrial dysfunction.4
359029972022Impact of claudin-10 deficiency on amelogenesis: Lesson from a HELIX tooth.3
354147672022Claudin-10 overexpression suppresses human clear cell renal cell carcinoma growth and metastasis by regulating ATP5O and causing mitochondrial dysfunction.4
359029972022Impact of claudin-10 deficiency on amelogenesis: Lesson from a HELIX tooth.3
336758442021A novel claudin-10 mutation with a unique mechanism in two unrelated families with HELIX syndrome.7
336758442021A novel claudin-10 mutation with a unique mechanism in two unrelated families with HELIX syndrome.7
320458842020Immune-related key gene CLDN10 correlates with lymph node metastasis but predicts favorable prognosis in papillary thyroid carcinoma.14
320458842020Immune-related key gene CLDN10 correlates with lymph node metastasis but predicts favorable prognosis in papillary thyroid carcinoma.14
316715072019A Novel Claudinopathy Based on Claudin-10 Mutations.13
316715072019A Novel Claudinopathy Based on Claudin-10 Mutations.13
305443772018CLDN10 single nucleotide polymorphism rs1325774 alters the risk of breast cancer in south chinese women.5
305443772018CLDN10 single nucleotide polymorphism rs1325774 alters the risk of breast cancer in south chinese women.5
286865972017Altered paracellular cation permeability due to a rare CLDN10B variant causes anhidrosis and kidney damage.28
286865972017Altered paracellular cation permeability due to a rare CLDN10B variant causes anhidrosis and kidney damage.28
258678092015High Diagnostic Accuracy Based on CLDN10, HMGA2, and LAMB3 Transcripts in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.26


Madhu Lal-Nag

CLDN10 (claudin 10)

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2011-12-01

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