MIR761 (microRNA 761)




Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 100313892
HGNC: 37305
Ensembl: ENSG00000283899


dbSNP: 100313892
ClinVar: 100313892
TCGA: ENSG00000283899



Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
360562852023Circ_0061140 Contributes to Ovarian Cancer Progression by Targeting miR-761/LETM1 Signaling.4
372581202023Regulation of a Novel CircTRRAP/miR-761/MAP3K2 CeRNA Cascade in Inflammation, Apoptosis, and Oxidative Stress in Human AC16 Cardiomyocytes under Hypoxia Conditions.2
360562852023Circ_0061140 Contributes to Ovarian Cancer Progression by Targeting miR-761/LETM1 Signaling.4
372581202023Regulation of a Novel CircTRRAP/miR-761/MAP3K2 CeRNA Cascade in Inflammation, Apoptosis, and Oxidative Stress in Human AC16 Cardiomyocytes under Hypoxia Conditions.2
328975122022Long Noncoding RNA KCNQ1OT1 Confers Gliomas Resistance to Temozolomide and Enhances Cell Growth by Retrieving PIM1 From miR-761.6
350309642022Long noncoding RNA ADIRF antisense RNA 1 upregulates insulin receptor substrate 1 to decrease the aggressiveness of osteosarcoma by sponging microRNA-761.6
353210262022Exosomal lncRNA HOTAIR Promotes the Progression and Angiogenesis of Endometriosis via the miR-761/HDAC1 Axis and Activation of STAT3-Mediated Inflammation.24
362788142022circRNA-MSR regulates the expression of FBXO21 to inhibit chondrocyte autophagy by targeting miR-761 in osteoarthritis.3
328975122022Long Noncoding RNA KCNQ1OT1 Confers Gliomas Resistance to Temozolomide and Enhances Cell Growth by Retrieving PIM1 From miR-761.6
350309642022Long noncoding RNA ADIRF antisense RNA 1 upregulates insulin receptor substrate 1 to decrease the aggressiveness of osteosarcoma by sponging microRNA-761.6
353210262022Exosomal lncRNA HOTAIR Promotes the Progression and Angiogenesis of Endometriosis via the miR-761/HDAC1 Axis and Activation of STAT3-Mediated Inflammation.24
362788142022circRNA-MSR regulates the expression of FBXO21 to inhibit chondrocyte autophagy by targeting miR-761 in osteoarthritis.3
345153202021Knockdown of lncRNA PVT1 inhibits the proliferation and accelerates the apoptosis of colorectal cancer cells via the miR‑761/MAPK1 axis.5
349225442021CircIL4R activates the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway via the miR-761/TRIM29/PHLPP1 axis and promotes proliferation and metastasis in colorectal cancer.45
345153202021Knockdown of lncRNA PVT1 inhibits the proliferation and accelerates the apoptosis of colorectal cancer cells via the miR‑761/MAPK1 axis.5


Dessen P

MIR761 (microRNA 761)

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2016-09-01

Online version: http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/gene/55939/js/case-report-explorer/