EPS8 (epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8)

2011-04-01   Anna A Bulysheva  , W Andrew Yeudall  

VCU Philips Institute of Oral, Craniofacial Molecular Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23298, USA





The EPS8 gene can be found on chromosome 12 at 12p12.3, starting at position 15664342 bp and ending at 15833601 bp from pter on the reverse strand. It contains 21 exons.


The transcript consists of 4.1 kb and translates to a 822 residue protein.


Atlas Image
Schematic representation of Homo sapiens EPS8.


822 amino acids; contains pleckstrin homology (PH) domain at amino acids 69-129 and 381-414; contains Src homology (SH3) domain at amino acids 531-590; intertwined dimer.


Ubiquitous in adult; temporal expression in developing mouse embryo, in frontonasal neural crest cells, branchial arches, liver primordium, central nervous system and submandibular glands.


Plasma membrane; cytoplasm; perinuclear; possibly nuclear.


Scaffolding protein; participates in signal transduction downstream of receptor tyrosine kinases (incl. EGFR, CSF1R, PDGFR); receptor endocytosis; cell motility; actin reorganization.


45 orthologues identified (Ensembl).
3 paralogues: EPS8L1; EPS8L2; EPS8L3.

Implicated in

Entity name
Eps8 is reported to be expressed at elevated levels in a range of human malignancies, including breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Overexpression of EPS8 has been reported to be sufficient to transform non-tumorigenic human cells to a tumorigenic phenotype. In a model system using murine fibroblasts, EPS8 overexpression led to enhanced mitogenic signaling and growth factor-dependent cellular transformation. Constitutive tyrosine phosphorylation of EPS8 has been documented in human tumor cell lines, although the significance of this for tumorigenesis remains to be established.
Entity name
Breast cancer
EPS8 overexpression has been shown via integrated cDNA array comparative genomic hybridization and serial analyses of gene expression in a number of human breast cancer cell lines such as ductal carcinoma in situ cell lines, invasive ductal carcinomas and lymph node metastases, as novel candidate breast cancer oncogenes.
Entity name
Pancreatic cancer
EPS8 was found to be overexpressed in multiple pancreatic tumors, with elevated levels primarily found in pancreatic ductal cells, cell lines derived from malignancies and ascites compared to lower levels in primary tumors and normal pancreatic tissues. EPS8 was reported to localize to the tips of F-actin filaments, filopodia, and the leading edge of the cells, and was therefore correlated with the migratory potential of tumor cells.
Entity name
Colon cancer
EPS8 was found to be overexpressed in the majority of colorectal tumors compared to their normal counterparts. It was also found to modulate FAK expression and together, EPS8 and FAK were found to play an important role in cell locomotion.
Entity name
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Atlas Image
Signaling processes involving EPS8. Dashed lines, direct protein interactions; blue circles, effector proteins.
Greater expression of EPS8 was found in malignant head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines (HN12) compared to the primary tumor derived cells (HN4) from the same patient. Ectopic overexpression of EPS8 in HN4 cells led to increased cell proliferation and migration in vitro and tumorgenicity in vivo. Knockdown of EPS8 in HN12 cells led to reduced migration in vitro and reduced tumorgenicity in vivo. EPS8 was found to mediate alphavbeta6 and alpha5beta1 integrin dependent activation of Rac1 and resulting cell migration. Suppression of either EPS8 or Rac1 resulted in reduced cell motility of the same tumor cells, however constitutive expression of Rac1 rescued reduced cell migration in EPS8 knockdown cells. Therefore EPS8 and Rac1 likely modulate integrin-dependent tumor cell motility. FOXM1, a cell cycle related transcription factor, was found to be upregulated in tumor cells with elevated EPS8. Further studies showed cell proliferation and migration due to EPS8 occurs in part by FOXM1 deregulation and induction of CXC-chemokine expression, which is mediated by PI3K and AKT-dependent mechanisms.

Article Bibliography

Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors
76081941995Structural requirements of the epidermal growth factor receptor for tyrosine phosphorylation of eps8 and eps15, substrates lacking Src SH2 homology domains.Alvarez CV et al
75669801995Expression of the receptor tyrosine kinase substrate genes eps8 and eps15 during mouse development.Avantaggiato V et al
90102251997Isolation and characterization of e3B1, an eps8 binding protein that regulates cell growth.Biesova Z et al
114085942001Regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling by endocytosis and intracellular trafficking.Burke P et al
126067112003Integrin beta cytoplasmic domain interactions with phosphotyrosine-binding domains: a structural prototype for diversity in integrin signaling.Calderwood DA et al
75322931995Direct binding of eps8 to the juxtamembrane domain of EGFR is phosphotyrosine- and SH2-independent.Castagnino P et al
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155580322004A novel actin barbed-end-capping activity in EPS-8 regulates apical morphogenesis in intestinal cells of Caenorhabditis elegans.Croce A et al
155580312004Eps8 controls actin-based motility by capping the barbed ends of actin filaments.Disanza A et al
171150312006Regulation of cell shape by Cdc42 is mediated by the synergic actin-bundling activity of the Eps8-IRSp53 complex.Disanza A et al
84048501993Eps8, a substrate for the epidermal growth factor receptor kinase, enhances EGF-dependent mitogenic signals.Fazioli F et al
152893292004IRSp53/Eps8 complex is important for positive regulation of Rac and cancer cell motility/invasiveness.Funato Y et al
93652391997Regulation of the tyrosine kinase substrate Eps8 expression by growth factors, v-Src and terminal differentiation.Gallo R et al
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105811921999Identification of EPS8 as a Dvl1-associated molecule.Inobe M et al
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93030021997The SH3 domain of Eps8 exists as a novel intertwined dimer.Kishan KV et al
110990462000The Eps8 protein coordinates EGF receptor signalling through Rac and trafficking through Rab5.Lanzetti L et al
146991562004Participation of p97Eps8 in Src-mediated transformation.Leu TH et al
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174963302007Eps8 facilitates cellular growth and motility of colon cancer cells by increasing the expression and activity of focal adhesion kinase.Maa MC et al
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115244362001An effector region in Eps8 is responsible for the activation of the Rac-specific GEF activity of Sos-1 and for the proper localization of the Rac-based actin-polymerizing machine.Scita G et al
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203510912010EPS8 upregulates FOXM1 expression, enhancing cell growth and motility.Wang H et al
175375712007Eps8 is increased in pancreatic cancer and required for dynamic actin-based cell protrusions and intercellular cytoskeletal organization.Welsch T et al
201848802010Eps8 is recruited to lysosomes and subjected to chaperone-mediated autophagy in cancer cells.Welsch T et al
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166187262006Combined cDNA array comparative genomic hybridization and serial analysis of gene expression analysis of breast tumor progression.Yao J et al
194486732009Upregulation of Eps8 in oral squamous cell carcinoma promotes cell migration and invasion through integrin-dependent Rac1 activation.Yap LF et al
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Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 2059
MIM: 600206
HGNC: 3420
Ensembl: ENSG00000151491


dbSNP: 2059
ClinVar: 2059
TCGA: ENSG00000151491


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)


Protein levels (Protein atlas)

Not detected


Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
384940662024HNF1A induces glioblastoma by upregulating EPS8 and activating PI3K/AKT signaling pathway.0
384940662024HNF1A induces glioblastoma by upregulating EPS8 and activating PI3K/AKT signaling pathway.0
369321952023Loss of EPS8 sensitizes non-small-cell lung carcinoma to chemotherapy-induced DNA damage.0
369321952023Loss of EPS8 sensitizes non-small-cell lung carcinoma to chemotherapy-induced DNA damage.0
359768802022Targeting of microvillus protein Eps8 by the NleH effector kinases from enteropathogenic E. coli.3
359768802022Targeting of microvillus protein Eps8 by the NleH effector kinases from enteropathogenic E. coli.3
334323682021Effects and mechanisms of Eps8 on the biological behaviour of malignant tumours (Review).3
336263552021Phase separation-mediated condensation of Whirlin-Myo15-Eps8 stereocilia tip complex.14
340314952021The roles and prognostic significance of ABI1-TSV-11 expression in patients with left-sided colorectal cancer.3
343917752021EPS8 supports pancreatic cancer growth by inhibiting BMI1 mediated proteasomal degradation of ALDH7A1.0
346379462021Apparent homozygosity for a novel splicing variant in EPS8 causes congenital profound hearing loss.2
334323682021Effects and mechanisms of Eps8 on the biological behaviour of malignant tumours (Review).3
336263552021Phase separation-mediated condensation of Whirlin-Myo15-Eps8 stereocilia tip complex.14
340314952021The roles and prognostic significance of ABI1-TSV-11 expression in patients with left-sided colorectal cancer.3
343917752021EPS8 supports pancreatic cancer growth by inhibiting BMI1 mediated proteasomal degradation of ALDH7A1.0


Anna A Bulysheva ; W Andrew Yeudall

EPS8 (epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8)

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2011-04-01

Online version: http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/gene/40476/eps8