- Variant 1 differs in the 5 UTR and coding sequence compared to variant 2. The resulting isoform (a) is shorter at the N-terminus compared to isoform (b). 4414 bp - 33 exons - 1065 aa. Ave. residue weight: 113.521. Charge: 3.5. Isoelectric point: 6.7311. Molecular weight: 120899.54. Number of residues: 1065.
- Variant 2 encodes the longest isoform (b). 4286 bp - 31 exons - 1073 aa. Ave. residue weight: 113.366. Charge: 2.0. Isoelectric point: 6.6317. Molecular weight: 121641.45. Number of residues: 1073.
- Variant 3 differs in the 5 UTR and coding sequence, and contains two additional in-frame segments near the 3 end of the coding sequence, compared to variant 2. The resulting isoform (c) is shorter at the N-terminus and contains two additional segments in the C-terminus compared to isoform b.
NCBI: 5747 MIM: 600758 HGNC: 9611 Ensembl: ENSG00000169398
dbSNP: 5747 ClinVar: 5747 TCGA: ENSG00000169398 COSMIC: PTK2
Joerg Schwock ; Neesha Dhani
PTK2 (PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2)
Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2011-03-01
Online version: http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/gene/41898/ptk2-(ptk2-protein-tyrosine-kinase-2)