CSIR-JRF,c\\\/o Dr. G. C. Kundu, National Center for Cell Science, NCCS Complex, Ganeshkhind, Pune(Maharastra)-411007, India
The regulation of MMP-2 activity occurs at many levels, of which regulation through TIMP-2 and its cell surface receptor, MT1-MMP (MMP14) is critically decisive. At higher levels of TIMP-2, MT1-MMP forms a ternary complex with MMP-2 through, leaving no free MT1-MMP receptors, thereby inhibiting the activation of pro-MMP-2 by MT1-MMP. But at lower levels of TIMP-2, due to availability of free MT1-MMP, MT1-MMP mediated activation of MMP-2 is observed. Further data also indicates that expression of TIMP-2, MMP-2 and MT1-MMP (MMP-14) is co-regulated transcriptionally, demonstrating an intricate network of regulation. Pro-MMP-2 activation is also seen by complex signaling induced by ECM proteins like osteopontin, various cytokines for example IL-8 in endothelial cells and other factors.
NCBI: 4313 MIM: 120360 HGNC: 7166 Ensembl: ENSG00000087245
dbSNP: 4313 ClinVar: 4313 TCGA: ENSG00000087245 COSMIC: MMP2
Gopal Chandra Kundu ; Pralhad Deepak Patil
MMP2 (matrix metallopeptidase 2 (gelatinase A, 72kDa gelatinase, 72kDa type IV collagenase).
Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2005-10-01
Online version: http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/gene/41396/mmp2-(matrix-metallopeptidase-2-(gelatinase-a-72kda-gelatinase-72kda-type-iv-collagenase)