TFF3 trefoil factor 3 (intestinal)

2001-03-01   Catherine Tomasetto  

I.G.B.M.C., BP 163, 1 rue Laurent Fries, 67404 Illkirch, France





3.3 kb gene, 3 exons


600 bp



precursor 74 amino acids, mature peptide 51 aminoacids, trefoil domain from aminoacids residues 24 to 67. The 74 aminoacids TFF3 protein precusor contains a signal peptide. The mature secreted peptide of 51 aminoacids contains one TFF (TreFoil Factor) domain and one acidic C-terminal domain. The acidic C-terminal domain contains a free cystein residue that promotes homodimerization and heterodimerization.


Under normal conditions TFF3 is expressed by gobblet cell of the intesine and the colon. TFF3 expression was found in human respiratory tract, human conjunctival goblet cells and in human salivarygland. In addition TFF3 peptive was found in human hypothalamus.


In secreterory epithelia TFF3 is expressed by mucin-producing cells. In the brain TFF3 is expressed by a population of neurons of the human hypothamic paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei.


TFF3 promotes migration of epithelial cells in vitro and enhance mucosal healing and epithelial restitutions in vivo in the gastrointestinal mucosa. TFF3 deficient mice aresuceptible to colonic injury induced by standard agents and restitution is impaired. In addition TFF3 deficient mice have an increase in colonocyte apoptosis. The protective action of TFF3 involves activation of both EGF-R and PI3K-Akt pathways. The role of TFF3 in the brain is not clear yet.


TFF3 belongs to the Trefoil peptide family (TFF) and possesse one TFF1 motif homologous to the TFF motif of TFF1 and TFF2. The TFF motif spans about 40 amino acids and is formed by 6 conserved cysteines residues involved in specific disulfites bridges.

Implicated in

Entity name
Inflamatory bowel diseases, TFF3 is expressed in cancer cells derived from the gastrointestinal tract, in hepatocellular carcinoma cells and in small cell lung carcinoma cells. Like TFF1, TFF3 is expressed in oestrogen-responsive breast cancer cell line and is expressed in breast cancer.


Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors
85665961996Oral trefoil peptides protect against ethanol- and indomethacin-induced gastric injury in rats.Babyatsky MW et al
80016771995Characterisation of the single copy trefoil peptides intestinal trefoil factor and pS2 and their ability to form covalent dimers.Chinery R et al
95012261998Intestinal trefoil factor controls the expression of the adenomatous polyposis coli-catenin and the E-cadherin-catenin complexes in human colon carcinoma cells.Efstathiou JA et al
83462031993hP1.B, a human P-domain peptide homologous with rat intestinal trefoil factor, is expressed also in the ulcer-associated cell lineage and the uterus.Hauser F et al
108349342000Co-localization of TFF3 peptide and oxytocin in the human hypothalamus.Jagla W et al
94193491998Intestinal trefoil factor induces inactivation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase in intestinal epithelial cells.Kanai M et al
76152011995Trefoil peptide protection of intestinal epithelial barrier function: cooperative interaction with mucin glycoprotein.Kindon H et al
108485942000Distinct pathways of cell migration and antiapoptotic response to epithelial injury: structure-function analysis of human intestinal trefoil factor.Kinoshita K et al
104767861999Secretory peptides TFF1 and TFF3 synthesized in human conjunctival goblet cells.Langer G et al
88241941996Impaired defense of intestinal mucosa in mice lacking intestinal trefoil factor.Mashimo H et al
93069611997Expression of human intestinal trefoil factor in malignant cells and its regulation by oestrogen in breast cancer cells.May FE et al
107792222000Mechanisms of regulatory peptide action in the gastrointestinal tract: trefoil peptides.Podolsky DK et al
93709441997Intestinal trefoil factor (TFF 3) and pS2 (TFF 1), but not spasmolytic polypeptide (TFF 2) mRNAs are co-expressed in normal, hyperplastic, and neoplastic human breast epithelium.Poulsom R et al
88157951996The trefoil peptide family.Sands BE et al
90709461997The three human trefoil genes TFF1, TFF2, and TFF3 are located within a region of 55 kb on chromosome 21q22.3.Seib T et al
84632281993Physiologic concentrations of glucose regulate fatty acid synthase activity in HepG2 cells by mediating fatty acid synthase mRNA stability.Semenkovich CF et al
106391602000Intestinal trefoil factor confers colonic epithelial resistance to apoptosis.Taupin DR et al
94472401997Trefoil peptides: from structure to function.Thim L et al
101941851999Localization of TFF3, a new mucus-associated peptide of the human respiratory tract.Wiede A et al

Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 7033
MIM: 600633
HGNC: 11757
Ensembl: ENSG00000160180


dbSNP: 7033
ClinVar: 7033
TCGA: ENSG00000160180


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)


Protein levels (Protein atlas)

Not detected


Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
336603362022The trefoil factor family 1 (TFF-1) and 3 (TFF-3) are upregulated in the saliva, gingival crevicular fluid and serum of periodontitis patients.2
347561162022Low expression of TFF3 in papillary thyroid carcinoma may correlate with poor prognosis but high immune cell infiltration.4
350394762022Pathological and therapeutic roles of bioactive peptide trefoil factor 3 in diverse diseases: recent progress and perspective.19
353321262022Trefoil factor 3 promotes pancreatic carcinoma progression via WNT pathway activation mediated by enhanced WNT ligand expression.6
358338232022TFF3 promotes pituitary tumor cell migration and angiogenesis via VEGFA.1
359741372022Gut biomolecules (I-FABP, TFF3 and lipocalin-2) are associated with linear growth and biomarkers of environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) in Bangladeshi children.0
364996862022Different Molecular Forms of TFF3 in the Human Respiratory Tract: Heterodimerization with IgG Fc Binding Protein (FCGBP) and Proteolytic Cleavage in Bronchial Secretions.4
336603362022The trefoil factor family 1 (TFF-1) and 3 (TFF-3) are upregulated in the saliva, gingival crevicular fluid and serum of periodontitis patients.2
347561162022Low expression of TFF3 in papillary thyroid carcinoma may correlate with poor prognosis but high immune cell infiltration.4
350394762022Pathological and therapeutic roles of bioactive peptide trefoil factor 3 in diverse diseases: recent progress and perspective.19
353321262022Trefoil factor 3 promotes pancreatic carcinoma progression via WNT pathway activation mediated by enhanced WNT ligand expression.6
358338232022TFF3 promotes pituitary tumor cell migration and angiogenesis via VEGFA.1
359741372022Gut biomolecules (I-FABP, TFF3 and lipocalin-2) are associated with linear growth and biomarkers of environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) in Bangladeshi children.0
364996862022Different Molecular Forms of TFF3 in the Human Respiratory Tract: Heterodimerization with IgG Fc Binding Protein (FCGBP) and Proteolytic Cleavage in Bronchial Secretions.4
334019712021The diagnostic and clinicopathological value of trefoil factor 3 in patients with gastric cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.5


Catherine Tomasetto

TFF3 trefoil factor 3 (intestinal)

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2001-03-01

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