INSERM U1029, Université Bordeaux,Pessac, France
PCSK1 is a serine protease involved in the proteolytic processing of a variety of protein precursors mainly neuropeptides and prohormones. In 1991, PC1\/3; also known as PCSK1, PC1, PC3, and SPC3 was identified at the same time by two laboratories separately. The human and mouse PCSK1 genes are localized on chromosomes 5 and 13, respectively. The cleavage of these protein precursors is required for the mediation of their functions including the regulation of glucose homeostasis and food intake. The PCSK1 substrates that regulate these functions include proinsulin, proglucagon, proghrelin and proopiomelanocortin and others. PCSK1 polymorphisms were associated with risk of obesity and with various endocrine disorders. PCSK1 is also involved in the regulation of macrophage activation and cytokine secretion. The inhibition of PCSK1 activity was proposed to reverse the macrophage phenotype from an M2-like to an M1-like phenotype. PCSK1 is highly expressed in breast cancers and in neuroendocrine tumors including carcinoid tumors. The expression of this protease at the RNA and protein levels is also increased in liver colorectal metastasis, suggesting PCSK1 activity in tumorigenesis, however the evidence of PCSK1 roles in these cancers and probably others remain to be defined.
NCBI: 5122 MIM: 162150 HGNC: 8743 Ensembl: ENSG00000175426
dbSNP: 5122 ClinVar: 5122 TCGA: ENSG00000175426 COSMIC: PCSK1
Béatrice Demoures ; Géraldine Siegfried ; Abdel-Majid Khatib
PCSK1 (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1)
Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2017-09-01
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