POU3F2 (POU class 3 homeobox 2)

2014-04-01   Takuya Yazawa  

Department of Surgical Pathology, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, 1-8-1 Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba 230-8670, Japan




POU3F2, also known as BRN2, Oct7, and N-Oct3, is a member of the neural cell-specific class III POU domain transcription factors (Ryan and Rosenfeld, 1997). POU3F2-knockout causes the loss of specific neuronal lineages in the endocrine hypothalamus and the subsequent loss of the posterior pituitary gland (Nakai et al., 1995; Schonemann et al., 1995; Alvarez-Bolado et al., 1995). And also, transgenes of POU3F2 and some other few factors converted non-neural cells to neural cells in vitro (Ambasudhan et al., 2011; Lujan et al., 2012; Pang et al., 2011). These results indicate that POU3F2 is an indispensable transcription factor for neural differentiation and generation of normal nervous system, especially hypothalamus. There have been a few reports regarding the functions of POU3F2 in association with tumorigenesis. POU3F2 has been demonstrated to be an oncogene in malignant melanomas derived from the neuroectodermal cell lineage and to accelerate the growth of melanoma cells (Cook and Sturm, 2008). POU3F2 are also highly expressed in small cell lung cancers and closely associated with the cancer specific neural\/neuroendocrine phenotype (Schreiber et al., 1992; Ishii et al., 2013; Sakaeda et al., 2013).


Atlas Image
Schematic representation of POU3F2 gene and mRNA. The POU3F2 gene is located on the plus strand of 6q16.1 chromosome. It consists of one exon (4086 bp).


POU3F2 is intron-less gene. Coding region is located in 5 side of the gene.


4108 base mRNA, coding sequence is 1332 base. There are no reports about transcriptional variant.


Atlas Image
Schematic illustrating POU3F2 protein. POU3F2 has poly-glycine and glutamic acid repeat in N-terminal side and POU-specific domain and homeodomain in C-terminal side.


POU3F2 belongs to the Class-III POU transcription factor family. All class-III POUs mainly express in some part of nervous system and regulate the development (Dominguez et al., 2013; Phippard et al., 1999). Two DNA binding domain, POU-specific domain, and homeodomain are conserved in POU transcription factor family.


POU3F2 expresses in developing nervous system and hypothalamus (Andersen and Rosenfeld, 2001). It also localizes in the developing mouse spinal cord (Tanaka et al., 2004).


POU3F2 mainly localizes in nuclei.


POU3F2 makes homodimer or heterodimer with other transcription factor and recognize specific DNA motif. POU3F2 activates the transcription of near gene. It is reported that target genes of POU3F2 are some neural genes (Blaud et al., 2004), phosphodiesterase 5A (Arozarena et al., 2011), cadherin 13 (Ellmann et al., 2012), NKX2.1 (Sakaeda et al., 2013).


POU3F2 shows highly similarity with the other class-III POU proteins (POU3F1, POU3F3, POU3F4) especially in the DNA binding domain.



There is no report about mutation of POU3F2.

Implicated in

Entity name
POU3F2 is highly expressed in melanoma cells and is related to the tumorigenesis and the growth (Cook and Sturm, 2008). Suppression of POU3F2 reduced proliferation activity and tumorigenic potential of melanoma cells (Thomson et al., 1995). It is reported that high POU3F2 expression is due to the activation of MAPK signaling pathway associated with BRAF gene mutation (Goodall et al., 2004).
Entity name
Small cell lung cancer
Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) highly expresses POU3F2 compared with non-SCLC. POU3F2 induces several neuroendocrine specific transcription factors and marker molecules and is associated to the cell viability (Schreiber et al., 1992; Ishii et al., 2013; Sakaeda et al., 2013).

Article Bibliography

Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors
76083431995Model of forebrain regionalization based on spatiotemporal patterns of POU-III homeobox gene expression, birthdates, and morphological features.Alvarez-Bolado G et al
218023862011Direct reprogramming of adult human fibroblasts to functional neurons under defined conditions.Ambasudhan R et al
111598142001POU domain factors in the neuroendocrine system: lessons from developmental biology provide insights into human disease.Andersen B et al
212157072011Oncogenic BRAF induces melanoma cell invasion by downregulating the cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase PDE5A.Arozarena I et al
151782472004Characteristic patterns of N Oct-3 binding to a set of neuronal promoters.Blaud M et al
189835362008POU domain transcription factors: BRN2 as a regulator of melanocytic growth and tumourigenesis.Cook AL et al
228924272013POU-III transcription factors (Brn1, Brn2, and Oct6) influence neurogenesis, molecular identity, and migratory destination of upper-layer cells of the cerebral cortex.Dominguez MH et al
230699402012BRN2 is a transcriptional repressor of CDH13 (T-cadherin) in melanoma cells.Ellmann L et al
150240802004The Brn-2 transcription factor links activated BRAF to melanoma proliferation.Goodall J et al
235305602013POU domain transcription factor BRN2 is crucial for expression of ASCL1, ND1 and neuroendocrine marker molecules and cell growth in small cell lung cancer.Ishii J et al
223084652012Direct conversion of mouse fibroblasts to self-renewing, tripotent neural precursor cells.Lujan E et al
85431551995The POU domain transcription factor Brn-2 is required for the determination of specific neuronal lineages in the hypothalamus of the mouse.Nakai S et al
216176442011Induction of human neuronal cells by defined transcription factors.Pang ZP et al
104070361999Targeted mutagenesis of the POU-domain gene Brn4/Pou3f4 causes developmental defects in the inner ear.Phippard D et al
91713671997POU domain family values: flexibility, partnerships, and developmental codes.Ryan AK et al
233581122013Neural lineage-specific homeoprotein BRN2 is directly involved in TTF1 expression in small-cell lung cancer.Sakaeda M et al
85431561995Development and survival of the endocrine hypothalamus and posterior pituitary gland requires the neuronal POU domain factor Brn-2.Schonemann MD et al
13275241992Human small cell lung cancer expresses the octamer DNA-binding and nervous system-specific transcription factor N-Oct 3 (brain-2).Schreiber E et al
154568592004Interplay of SOX and POU factors in regulation of the Nestin gene in neural primordial cells.Tanaka S et al
76517331995The brn-2 gene regulates the melanocytic phenotype and tumorigenic potential of human melanoma cells.Thomson JA et al

Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 5454
MIM: 600494
HGNC: 9215
Ensembl: ENSG00000184486


dbSNP: 5454
ClinVar: 5454
TCGA: ENSG00000184486


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)



Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
383860712024RFX4 is an intrinsic factor for neuronal differentiation through induction of proneural genes POU3F2 and NEUROD1.0
383860712024RFX4 is an intrinsic factor for neuronal differentiation through induction of proneural genes POU3F2 and NEUROD1.0
368432582023Integrin α3 Mediates Stemness and Invasion of Glioblastoma by Regulating POU3F2.3
372076452023Monoallelic intragenic POU3F2 variants lead to neurodevelopmental delay and hyperphagic obesity, confirming the gene's candidacy in 6q16.1 deletions.1
382012712023CREB1 Facilitates GABAergic Neural Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells through BRN2 for Pain Alleviation and Locomotion Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury.0
368432582023Integrin α3 Mediates Stemness and Invasion of Glioblastoma by Regulating POU3F2.3
372076452023Monoallelic intragenic POU3F2 variants lead to neurodevelopmental delay and hyperphagic obesity, confirming the gene's candidacy in 6q16.1 deletions.1
382012712023CREB1 Facilitates GABAergic Neural Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells through BRN2 for Pain Alleviation and Locomotion Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury.0
349588062022Reciprocal Regulation of BRN2 and NOTCH1/2 Signaling Synergistically Drives Melanoma Cell Migration and Invasion.2
353981782022CircPOLR2A Promotes Proliferation and Impedes Apoptosis of Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells by Up-regulating POU3F2 to Facilitate SOX9 Transcription.2
349588062022Reciprocal Regulation of BRN2 and NOTCH1/2 Signaling Synergistically Drives Melanoma Cell Migration and Invasion.2
353981782022CircPOLR2A Promotes Proliferation and Impedes Apoptosis of Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells by Up-regulating POU3F2 to Facilitate SOX9 Transcription.2
329292132021Transcription factor POU3F2 regulates TRIM8 expression contributing to cellular functions implicated in schizophrenia.12
335393442021Transcriptome-wide transmission disequilibrium analysis identifies novel risk genes for autism spectrum disorder.11
341404782021BRN2 is a non-canonical melanoma tumor-suppressor.6


Takuya Yazawa

POU3F2 (POU class 3 homeobox 2)

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2014-04-01

Online version: http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/gene/45747