GDF15 (growth differentiation factor 15)

2008-04-01   Shantibhusan Senapati  , Ajay P Singh  , Surinder K Batra  

Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 985870 Nebraska Medical Center, Durham Research center 7005, Omaha, NE 68198-5870, USA





In the genome, the GDF15 gene is localized on chromosome 19 in the region p13.1-13.2. The macrophage inhibitory cytokine (MIC-1) DNA sequence is 2,746 bp long and consists of two exons separated by an intron. A conserved TATA-like motif (TATAAA) is present nearer to the start codon.
Atlas Image
Shows the genomic organization of GDF15 gene.


The expression of GDF15/MIC-1 is upregulated by IL1β, TNFa, IL2, MCSF, TGFβ and p53. Androgen also regulates the expression of GDF15/MIC-1 in vitro and in vivo. In prostate cancer cells, calcitriol induces GDF15/MIC-1 expression. Furthermore, it has been shown that the basal transcription of MIC-1 gene is regulated by Sp1 and Sp3.


Atlas Image
Shows the structural organization and processing of GDF15 protein. RXXR-motif for cleavage; N, amino-terminal region; C, cysteine.


The premature GDF/PDF/MIC-1 protein consists of 308 amino acids that contain a 29 amino acid signal peptide, a 167 amino acid propeptide, and a 112 amino acid mature protein. The mature protein is secreted as a homodimer linked by disulfide bonds and is released from the propeptide following intracellular cleavage at RXXR furine-like cleavage site. The mature peptide of GDF-1/MIC-1 contains two additional cysteine residues in addition to the seven conserved cysteines necessary for the cysteine knot, a structural hallmark of this TGF-β superfamily. The exact function of these two additional cysteine residues is still unknown. The propeptide has a consensus N-linked glycosylation site in it. Unlike all other TGF-β superfamily members, MIC-1 mature peptide can be correctly folded and secreted without a propeptide. The propeptide plays a novel role in proteosomal targeting of the monomeric precursor and ensures that only dimeric precursor exists in the endoplasmic reticulum.


GDF15/PDF/MIC-1 is expressed at high levels in placenta, adult prostate, skin and at a low level in several other tissues including colon, kidney and fetal brain.


MIC-1 is an extracelluarly localized secretory protein.


GDF15/MIC-1 plays diverse biological functions in varied cellular context. It has been proposed that GDF15/MIC-1 can regulate the late phase macrophage activation by inhibiting TNF-a as an autocrine/paracrine regulatory molecule. Its role in the early stages of endochondrial bone formation, hematopoietic development, embryonic implantation and placental function has been reported. Animal studies have shown the role of GDF15/MIC-1 as a central regulator of appetite and body weight. For midbrain dopaminergic neurons, GDF15/MIC-1 acts as a both neurotrophic and neuroprotective factor, in vitro and in vivo. A role of GDF15/MIC-1 in cancer progression has also been reported by impacting on cell signaling.


It shares a significant homology with the GDF15 gene of Pan troglodytes, Bos Taurus and Canis lupus familiaris. In addition, it is also similar to Gdf15 gene of Mus musculus and Rattus norvegicus.

Implicated in

Entity name
Various Cancers
GDF15/MIC-1 over expression is associated with different cancers, including gastric, pancreatic, prostate and colorectal cancer. It has been shown that measurement of serum GDF15/MIC-1 level aids in the diagnosis of prostrate and pancreatic cancer.
Recently, a direct association of elevated serum GDF15/MIC-1 and metastatic prostrate, colorectal, and breast cancer has been reported. Additionally, higher serum GDF15/MIC-1 level was correlated with higher incidence of lymph node metastasis and shorter relapse and shorter overall survival period.
The oncogenic property of GDF15/MIC-1 in different cancer has been reported. In prostrate cancer, it promotes AR-positive prostrate cancer cell proliferation trough the activation of ERK1 / ERK2 signal pathway. Additionally, GDF15 promotes the drug resistance property of prostrate cancer cells. The role of GDF15/MIC-1 in promoting the invasive property of gastric cancer cells has been reported. This may be due to GDF15/MIC-1 mediated up-regulation of Urokinase-type plasminogen activator system. In contrast, some studies have reported an antitumorigenic role of GDF15/MIC-1 in colon, breast and glioblastoma cell lines. Most of these reports suggest a role of GDF15/MIC-1 in the induction of apoptosis via both p53-dependent and independent mechanisms.
Entity name
Expanded erythroid compartment secrete high level of GDF15, which leads to iron overload in thalassemia syndromes by inhibiting hepcidin expression.


Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors

Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 9518
MIM: 605312
HGNC: 30142
Ensembl: ENSG00000130513


dbSNP: 9518
ClinVar: 9518
TCGA: ENSG00000130513


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)


Protein levels (Protein atlas)

Not detected


Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
370935132024GDF15 as a key disease target and biomarker: linking chronic lung diseases and ageing.7
373386752024Hyperactive behaviour of growth differentiation factor- 15 (GDF-15) in conjunction with iron trafficking transporters and suppression of Nrf-2 gene in diabetes and metabolic syndrome.0
377158432024Associations of circulating GDF15 with combined cognitive frailty and depression in older adults of the MARK-AGE study.2
378042442024Longitudinal Associations Between ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1, Growth Differentiation Factor-15, and Nutritional Status in Older Adults From the MAPT Study.0
378553502024GDF15 Interference Regulates Proliferation, Inflammation, and Autophagy of Lipopolysaccharide-induced Mesangial Cells by Inhibiting PI3K/ AKT/mTOR Signaling.1
378584362024Evaluation of the relationship between atherosclerosis and Helicobacter pylori infection with measurement of growth differentiation factor 15 and atherosclerosis indicators in adults with no comorbidity.0
380920392024GDF15 linked to maternal risk of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.12
381516532024MiR-3074-5p Regulates Trophoblasts Function via EIF2S1/GDF15 Pathway in Recurrent Miscarriage.0
381809872024Protein biomarkers GDF15 and FGF21 to differentiate mitochondrial hepatopathies from other pediatric liver diseases.1
381957212024GDF15 as a potential biomarker to distinguish fibrotic from non-fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis.0
382426932024Acute Exercise Increases GDF15 and Unfolded Protein Response/Integrated Stress Response in Muscle in Type 2 Diabetes.0
382478382024GDF15 Modulates the Zoledronic-Acid-Induced Hyperinflammatory Mechanoresponse of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts.0
383012572024Lung Epithelium Releases Growth Differentiation Factor 15 in Response to Pathogen-mediated Injury.1
383578572024GDF15 is a dynamic biomarker of the integrated stress response in the central nervous system.1
383785992024Incremental values of AOPP, IL-6, and GDF15 for identifying arteriosclerosis in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.0


Shantibhusan Senapati ; Ajay P Singh ; Surinder K Batra

GDF15 (growth differentiation factor 15)

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2008-04-01

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