+3 or trisomy 3 in non Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL)

2001-01-01   Antonio Cuneo  , Gianluigi Castoldi  

1.Hematology Section, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ferrara, Corso Giovecca 203, Ferrara, Italy

Clinics and Pathology


trisomy 3 occurs more frequently in T-cell lymphomas than in B-cell lymphomas
  • globally, 20-30% of T-NHL may carry trisomy 3, the highest incidence having been noted in lymphoepithelioid lymphoma, in low-grade peripheral T-cell lymphoma, in angioimmonoblastic lymphadenopathy and in adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma
  • trisomy 3 is relatively rare in B-NHL, with the exception of marginal zone lymphomas (MZL) and mantle cell lymphoma (MCL); in MZL, total or partial trisomy 3 may occur in 50-70% of cytogenetically abnormal cases, with a reported incidence by interphase FISH in the 50-85% range; the incidence does not appear to vary according to the clinicopathologic features, with similar frequency in the extra-nodal MALT lymphoma, in the nodal and the splenic form of MZL; trisomy 3/3q was reported in 10-15% of MCL with an higher incidence (up to 40%) by molecular cytogenetic techniques; sporadically, other low-grade and high grade B-lymphoid tumors may carry trisomy 3/3q
  • Prognosis

    the prognostic significance of trisomy 3 in T-cell and B-cell lymphomas is unknown; there does not appear to be a role for trisomy 3 in tumor progression from low-grade MALT lymphoma to the high grade form, whereas gains of 3q may be associated with the aggressive blastoid variant of MCL


    Cytogenetics morphological

    trisomy 3 may be total or partial; commonly overrepresented segments in partial trisomy 3 include the q21-23 region and the q25-29 region; total/partial trisomy 3 may occur as an isolated anomaly in a minority of cases

    Cytogenetics molecular

    the anomaly is readily detectable by G- and R-banding in most cases; however, FISH using a centromeric probe is more sensitive than conventional cytogenetics, allowing for the study of non-dividing cells and for the detection of partial trisomy in complex karyotypes with marker chromosomes

    Genes Involved and Proteins

    the gene(s) involved in the transformation process by gene dosage effect or by other mechanisms are not known


    Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors


    Atlas Image
    +3 (right) and partial trisomy 3 due to i(3)(q10) (left) FISH - Courtesy Hossein Mossafa.


    Antonio Cuneo ; Gianluigi Castoldi

    +3 or trisomy 3 in non Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL)

    Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2001-01-01

    Online version: http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/haematological/2008/css/lib/css/js/lib/favicon/favicon-16x16.png