SGO1 (shugoshin-like 1 (S. pombe))

2013-04-01   Tomoaki Kahyo  , Haruhiko Sugimura  

Department of Tumor Pathology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan




Atlas Image
Figure 1. Scheme of SGOL1 transcript variants. Exon numbers are shown at the top. Red and yellow boxes indicate exons of CDS and UTR, respectively.


The SGOL1 gene is composed of 9 exons and spans 25698 bases.


Transcript variant A2 (NM_001012410) has the longest coding sequence and encodes a protein comprised of 561 aa. Transcript variant A1 (NM_001012409) lacks exon 9 and encodes a protein comprised of 527 aa. Typically, "SGOL1" corresponds to type A1 or A2. Transcript variant B2 (NM_001012412) lacks a large proportion of exon 6 and encodes a protein comprised of 309 aa. Transcript B1 (NM_001012411) lacks exon 9 in addition to a large proportion of exon 6 and encodes a protein comprised of 275 aa. Transcript C2 (NM_138484) skips exon 6 and encodes a protein comprised of 292 aa. Transcript C1 (NM_001012413) lacks exon 9 in addition to exon 6 and encodes a protein comprised of 258 aa. Transcript D1 (NM_001199257) lacks exon 7 and exon 8 in addition to a large proportion of exon 6 and encodes a protein comprised of 215 aa. Transcript P1 (AB567656) lacks exon 3, resulting in leading to a stop codon within exon 4, and encodes a protein comprised of 59 aa. Furthermore, several transcript variants that have an alternate 5 UTR exon are also stored in databases (NM_001199251, NM_001199253, NM_001199255, NM_001199252, NM_001199254 and NM_001199256).


There are two pseudogenes on chromosome 1 (PGOHUM00000244068) and chromosome 7 (PGOHUM00000232695).


Atlas Image
Figure 2. Green, black and red boxes represent an N-terminal conserved coiled-coil region, a P-V-I motif and a C-terminal conserved basic region, respectively. Indicated numbers mean the exon numbers shown at Fig.1. SGOL1-interacting proteins are shown at the bottom.


SGOL1 protein (type A2) is a 64.2 kDa protein and has an N-terminal coiled-coil region, a P-V-I motif and a C-terminal conserved basic region. The N-terminal coiled-coil regions are required for the interaction with PP2A (Yamagishi et al., 2008) and the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) (Tsukahara et al., 2010) at centromere. The P-V-I motif and the C-terminal basic region of SGOL1 are required for the interaction with HP1 (heterochromatin protein 1) and phosphorylated histone H2A at centromere, respectively (Yamagishi et al., 2008; Kawashima et al., 2010).


Serum antibodies against NY-BR-85, which encodes SGOL1, are detected in breast cancer patients, and the expression of NY-BR-85 mRNA was detected in several tissues, including thymus and testis (Scanlan et al., 2001). Expression of SGOL1 was also detected in the extraction of HeLa cells (Salic et al., 2004; Kitajima et al., 2005) and various human leukemia cell lines (Yang et al., 2013), while the expression of SGOL1 was downregulated in the colorectal cancers (Iwaizumi et al., 2009).


Nucleus. During prophase and metaphase, SGOL1 localizes to the inner centromere (Salic et al., 2004; Kitajima et al., 2005).


SGOL1 is a crucial factor to protect centromeric cohesin during mitosis and to maintain genomic stability in human cells. SGOL1-knockdown caused severe mitotic arrest and precocious separation of centromeric cohesion in HeLa cells (Salic et al., 2004; Kitajima et al., 2006) and HCT116 cells, resulting in chromosomal instability (Iwaizumi et al., 2009; Kahyo et al., 2011). In addition, SGOL1 was needed for the kinetochore localization of PLK1 and CENP-F in HeLa cells (Salic et al., 2004; Pouwels et al., 2007). Several short isoforms of SGOL1 showed aberrant cell phenotypes including unstable chromatid cohesion (Suzuki et al., 2006; Kahyo et al., 2011). These results suggest that the short isoforms of SGOL1 function as a negative factor to native SGOL1, and that abundant expression of the SGOL1 short isoforms can be responsible for chromosomal instability.


The coiled-coil and basic regions of shugoshin or shugoshin-like proteins are highly conserved between different species (Kitajima et al., 2004). SGOL2, a paralogue of SGOL1, was required for the PP2A-mediated protection of cohesin and the MCAK-mediated chromosome congression in HeLa cells (Tanno et al., 2010).



Losses of heterozygosity at several polymorphic markers in SGOL1 locus (c.416+39_42delGAAA, c.504A>T and c.1461C>T) were detected in 31.2 % of human colorectal cancers (Iwaizumi et al., 2009).

Implicated in

Entity name
Breast cancer
NY-BR-85 is a serologically defined breast cancer antigen (Scanlan et al., 2001). NY-BR-86 was overexpressed in 90% of breast cancers.
Entity name
Colorectal cancer
The expression of SGOL1 was significantly downregulated in the colorectal cancer tissue in comparison with the paired normal mucosa, and the tumors in the SGOL1-downregulated group tended to be located on the left side of the large bowel, especially in the rectum, rather than in the other regions of the large bowel (Iwaizumi et al., 2009). The mRNA of the shortest isoform SGOL1-P1, the overexpression of which caused unstable chromatid cohesion in HCT116 cells, was detected specifically in colorectal cancer tissues (Kahyo et al., 2011).
While Sgo1 homozygous mutant mice (Sgo1-/-) showed embryonic lethality, Sgo1 heterozygous mice (Sgo1+/-) showed an increase in formation of colonic aberrant crypt foci and accelerated development of colon tumors after exposure to azoxymethane, a colon carcinogen (Yamada et al., 2012).
Entity name
Hematological malignancies
SGOL1 was aberrantly expressed in various human leukemia cell lines and freshly isolated leukemia cells. SGOL1-knockdown suppressed the cell proliferation in several leukemia cell lines (Yang et al., 2013).


Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors
186357442009Human Sgo1 downregulation leads to chromosomal instability in colorectal cancer.Iwaizumi M et al
215326242011A novel tumor-derived SGOL1 variant causes abnormal mitosis and unstable chromatid cohesion.Kahyo T et al
199653872010Phosphorylation of H2A by Bub1 prevents chromosomal instability through localizing shugoshin.Kawashima SA et al
165410252006Shugoshin collaborates with protein phosphatase 2A to protect cohesin.Kitajima TS et al
176177342007Shugoshin 1 plays a central role in kinetochore assembly and is required for kinetochore targeting of Plk1.Pouwels J et al
153396622004Vertebrate shugoshin links sister centromere cohesion and kinetochore microtubule stability in mitosis.Salic A et al
127477652001Humoral immunity to human breast cancer: antigen definition and quantitative analysis of mRNA expression.Scanlan MJ et al
166879352006Human Shugoshin mediates kinetochore-driven formation of kinetochore microtubules.Suzuki H et al
208897152010Phosphorylation of mammalian Sgo2 by Aurora B recruits PP2A and MCAK to centromeres.Tanno Y et al
207399362010Phosphorylation of the CPC by Cdk1 promotes chromosome bi-orientation.Tsukahara T et al
222621682012Haploinsufficiency of SGO1 results in deregulated centrosome dynamics, enhanced chromosomal instability and colon tumorigenesis.Yamada HY et al
187166262008Heterochromatin links to centromeric protection by recruiting shugoshin.Yamagishi Y et al
231027022013A novel treatment strategy targeting shugoshin 1 in hematological malignancies.Yang J et al

Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 151648
MIM: 609168
HGNC: 25088
Ensembl: ENSG00000129810


dbSNP: 151648
ClinVar: 151648
TCGA: ENSG00000129810


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)



PathwaySourceExternal ID
Oocyte meiosisKEGGko04114
Oocyte meiosisKEGGhsa04114
Signal TransductionREACTOMER-HSA-162582
Signaling by Rho GTPasesREACTOMER-HSA-194315
RHO GTPase EffectorsREACTOMER-HSA-195258
RHO GTPases Activate ForminsREACTOMER-HSA-5663220
Cell CycleREACTOMER-HSA-1640170
Cell Cycle, MitoticREACTOMER-HSA-69278
Mitotic PrometaphaseREACTOMER-HSA-68877
Resolution of Sister Chromatid CohesionREACTOMER-HSA-2500257
Mitotic Metaphase and AnaphaseREACTOMER-HSA-2555396
Mitotic AnaphaseREACTOMER-HSA-68882
Separation of Sister ChromatidsREACTOMER-HSA-2467813

Protein levels (Protein atlas)

Not detected


Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
383834322024Prognosis and biological function of SGOL1 in clear cell renal cell carcinoma: a multiomics analysis.0
383834322024Prognosis and biological function of SGOL1 in clear cell renal cell carcinoma: a multiomics analysis.0
339531732021Cohesin-protein Shugoshin-1 controls cardiac automaticity via HCN4 pacemaker channel.6
339733352021A highly conserved pocket on PP2A-B56 is required for hSgo1 binding and cohesion protection during mitosis.8
339531732021Cohesin-protein Shugoshin-1 controls cardiac automaticity via HCN4 pacemaker channel.6
339733352021A highly conserved pocket on PP2A-B56 is required for hSgo1 binding and cohesion protection during mitosis.8
307398672019Molecular Signature of CAID Syndrome: Noncanonical Roles of SGO1 in Regulation of TGF-β Signaling and Epigenomics.6
311561542019Assessment of SGO1 and SGO1-AS1 contribution in breast cancer.6
312275922019SET binding to Sgo1 inhibits Sgo1-cohesin interactions and promotes chromosome segregation.8
307398672019Molecular Signature of CAID Syndrome: Noncanonical Roles of SGO1 in Regulation of TGF-β Signaling and Epigenomics.6
311561542019Assessment of SGO1 and SGO1-AS1 contribution in breast cancer.6
312275922019SET binding to Sgo1 inhibits Sgo1-cohesin interactions and promotes chromosome segregation.8
297969042018Critical roles of Shugoshin and histones as tension sensors during mitosis.3
302125682018Shugoshin 1 is dislocated by KSHV-encoded LANA inducing aneuploidy.7
302422882018The chromatin remodeler RSF1 controls centromeric histone modifications to coordinate chromosome segregation.15


Tomoaki Kahyo ; Haruhiko Sugimura

SGO1 (shugoshin-like 1 (S. pombe))

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2013-04-01

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