ADRB2 (adrenoceptor beta 2, surface)

2014-02-01   Denise Tostes Oliveira  , Diego Mauricio Bravo-Calderón  

Department of Stomatology, Area of Pathology, Bauru School of Dentistry - University of Sao Paulo, Bauru, Brazil





ADBR2 gene spans about 2,04 kb and consists of one exon.


ADBR2 no has introns in either their coding or untranslated sequences. The primary transcripts are processed at their 5 and 3 ends like other premessenger RNAs, but no splicing is needed.


No pseudogenes have been reported.



β2 adrenergic receptor is a member of the superfamily of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) (McGraw and Liggett, 2005; Johnson, 2006). The receptor is comprised of 413 amino acid residues of approximately 46500 daltons (Johnson, 2006). β2 adrenergic receptor is N-glycosylated at amino acids 6, 15, and 187; these are important for roper insertion of the receptor into the membrane as well as for agonist trafficking (McGraw and Liggett, 2005; Johnson, 2006).


β2 adrenergic receptor is widely distributed, this protein is expressed by airway smooth muscle (30-40000 per cell), epithelial and endothelial cells of the lung, smooth muscle of blood vessels, skeletal muscle, mast cells, lymphocytes, oral and skin keratinocytes and also by diverse cancer cells (Kohm and Sanders, 2001; Lutgendorf et al., 2003; Johnson, 2006; Sood et al., 2006; Thaker et al., 2006; Yang et al., 2006; Sastry et al., 2007; Yu et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2008a; Liu et al., 2008b; Shang et al., 2009; Sivamani et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2009; Bernabé et al., 2011; Bravo-Calderón et al., 2011-2012; Steenhuis et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2011; Loenneke et al., 2012).


β2 adrenergic receptor is a transmembrane protein. Like all GPCRs, the β2 adrenergic receptor has seven transmembrane a domains that form a pocket containing binding sites for agonists and competitive antagonists (McGraw and Liggett, 2005; Johnson, 2006). There are 3 extracellular loops, with one being the amino terminus, and 3 intracellular loops, with a carboxy terminus (McGraw and Liggett, 2005; Johnson, 2006).


Agonist binding of β2 adrenergic receptor results in activation of Gs protein. The Gs protein a subunit stimulates adenylyl cyclase to generate cyclic 3-5-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which in sequence activates the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) and the agonist-occupied receptor is phosphorylated. After phosphorylation, the receptor switches its coupling specificity to Gi. GTP-bound Giα dissociates from the heterodimeric Gβγ, and free Gβγ subunits mediate activation of the MAP kinase signaling pathway in the same way as Gi-coupled receptors. Increase of intracellular cAMP levels leads diverse cell functions as cell proliferation, differentiation, angiogenesis and migration (Daaka et al., 1997).
Atlas Image
Activation of protein kinase A (PKA) by signal transduction of β2 adrenergic receptor (adapted of Rosenbaum et al., 2009).

Implicated in

Entity name
Ovarian carcinoma
Reverse transcriptase-PCR studies indicated constitutive expression of β2 adrenergic receptor on ovarian carcinoma cell lines (Lutgendorf et al., 2003). Lutgendorf et al. (Lutgendorf et al., 2003) investigated the effects of norepinephrine and isoproterenol (a nonspecific-adrenergic agonist) on the production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) by ovarian cancer cell lines; and found that both, norepinephrine and isoproterenol, significantly enhanced VEGF production. These effects were blocked by thenon-specific β antagonist propranolol, supporting a role foradrenergic receptors in these experimental effects.
Norepinephrine was later found to increase the in vitro invasive potential of ovarian cancer cells, an effect that was blocked by propranolol (Sood et al., 2006). Norepinephrine also increased tumor cell expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and MMP-9, and pharmacologic blockade of MMPs abrogated the effects of norepinephrine on tumor cell invasive potential (Sood et al., 2006).
In the same way, Thaker et al. (Thaker et al., 2006) correlated chronic behavioral stress with higher levels of tissue catecholamines and more invasive growth of ovarian carcinoma cells in an orthotopic mouse model. These effects were mediated through β2 adrenergic receptor activation of PKA signaling pathway (Thaker et al., 2006). Tumors in stressed animals showed increased vascularization and enhanced expression of VEGF, MMP2 and MMP9; these effects could be abrogated by propranolol (Thaker et al., 2006).
Entity name
Prostate cancer
β2 adrenergic receptor signaling was related to prostate cancer cell progression (Sastry et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2011). β2 adrenergic receptor activation of PKA signaling pathway has been associated with reduction of sensitivity of prostate cancer cells to apoptosis (Sastry et al., 2007) and promotion of cell proliferation and cell migration (Zhang at al., 2011).
Contrastingly, other investigation demonstrated that the genetic silencing of β2 adrenergic receptor increases cell migration and invasion of normal prostate cells and that the weak expression of this protein is associated with metastases and with worst survival rates in prostate cancer patients (Yu et al., 2007).
Entity name
Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2008b) demonstrated that stimulation of β2 adrenergic receptor with epinephrine significantly increase the esophageal cancer cell proliferation accompanied by elevation of the expression of VEGF, VEGF receptor VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2. In addition, it has been shown that the epidermal growth factor mediates the mitogenic signals in esophageal cancer cells through transactivation of β2 adrenergic receptor (Liu et al., 2008a).
Entity name
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC)
Genetic and protein expression of β2 adrenergic receptor was demonstrated in OSCC by using RT-PCR assay, Western blot and immunohistochemistry (Shang et al., 2009; Bernabé et al., 2011; Bravo-Calderón et al., 2011-2012). Investigations performed in different oral cancer cell lines demonstrated that β2 adrenergic receptor signaling by norepinephrine increases cell proliferation and invasion, and upregulates interleukin-6 (IL-6) gene expression and protein release (Shang et al., 2009; Bernabé et al., 2011). Furthermore, Shang et al. (Shang et al., 2009) reported that malignant cell positive immunoexpression of β2-AR was significantly correlated with age, tumor size, clinical stage and cervical lymph node metastasis in OSCC patients, and that β2-AR may play an important role in the formation and metastasis of oral cancer. However, a retrospective clinical study of a large number of patients showed that patients with OSCC who exhibited strong β2-AR immunohistochemical expression by malignant epithelial cells demonstrated higher survival rates compared to patients with weak/negative β2-AR expression (Bravo-Calderón et al., 2011-2012). Therefore, further clinical and laboratory studies are warranted to elucidate the role of β2 adrenergic receptor activation in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Entity name
Various cancers
β2 adrenergic receptor was also immunohistochemically identified in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (Yang et al., 2006) and in melanoma (Yang et al., 2009). Norepinephrine treatment increased MMP-2, MMP-9, and VEGF levels in culture supernatants of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells lines (Yang et al., 2006); as well upregulated the production of VEGF, interleukin (IL)-8, and IL-6 in human melanoma tumor cell lines (Yang et al., 2009).


Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors
211871402011Stress hormones increase cell proliferation and regulates interleukin-6 secretion in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells.Bernabé DG et al
222975522011Prognostic significance of beta-2 adrenergic receptor in oral squamous cell carcinoma.Bravo-Calderón DM et al
93638961997Switching of the coupling of the beta2-adrenergic receptor to different G proteins by protein kinase A.Daaka Y et al
163875782006Molecular mechanisms of beta(2)-adrenergic receptor function, response, and regulation.Johnson M et al
117346162001Norepinephrine and beta 2-adrenergic receptor stimulation regulate CD4+ T and B lymphocyte function in vitro and in vivo.Kohm AP et al
184521592008Epinephrine stimulates esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma cell proliferation via beta-adrenoceptor-dependent transactivation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase/cyclooxygenase-2 pathway.Liu X et al
226388332012β2 Adrenoceptor signaling-induced muscle hypertrophy from blood flow restriction: is there evidence?Loenneke JP et al
145555252003Stress-related mediators stimulate vascular endothelial growth factor secretion by two ovarian cancer cell lines.Lutgendorf SK et al
162673512005Molecular mechanisms of beta2-adrenergic receptor function and regulation.McGraw DW et al
194587112009The structure and function of G-protein-coupled receptors.Rosenbaum DM et al
173531972007Epinephrine protects cancer cells from apoptosis via activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and BAD phosphorylation.Sastry KS et al
191410642009Expression of beta2-adrenergic receptor in oral squamous cell carcinoma.Shang ZJ et al
191434712009Stress-mediated increases in systemic and local epinephrine impair skin wound healing: potential new indication for beta blockers.Sivamani RK et al
164284742006Stress hormone-mediated invasion of ovarian cancer cells.Sood AK et al
211272602011Adrenergic signaling in human oral keratinocytes and wound repair.Steenhuis P et al
168621522006Chronic stress promotes tumor growth and angiogenesis in a mouse model of ovarian carcinoma.Thaker PH et al
189961822009Norepinephrine upregulates VEGF, IL-8, and IL-6 expression in human melanoma tumor cell lines: implications for stress-related enhancement of tumor progression.Yang EV et al
170794562006Norepinephrine up-regulates the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, and MMP-9 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma tumor cells.Yang EV et al
179966462007Integrative genomics analysis reveals silencing of beta-adrenergic signaling by polycomb in prostate cancer.Yu J et al
218334752011β-arrestin2 mediates β-2 adrenergic receptor signaling inducing prostate cancer cell progression.Zhang P et al

Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 154
MIM: 109690
HGNC: 286
Ensembl: ENSG00000169252


dbSNP: 154
ClinVar: 154
TCGA: ENSG00000169252


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)



PathwaySourceExternal ID
Calcium signaling pathwayKEGGko04020
Neuroactive ligand-receptor interactionKEGGko04080
Calcium signaling pathwayKEGGhsa04020
Neuroactive ligand-receptor interactionKEGGhsa04080
Salivary secretionKEGGko04970
Salivary secretionKEGGhsa04970
Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytesKEGGhsa04261
Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytesKEGGko04261
cGMP-PKG signaling pathwayKEGGhsa04022
cGMP-PKG signaling pathwayKEGGko04022
cAMP signaling pathwayKEGGhsa04024
cAMP signaling pathwayKEGGko04024
Regulation of lipolysis in adipocytesKEGGhsa04923
Renin secretionKEGGhsa04924
Renin secretionKEGGko04924
Metabolism of proteinsREACTOMER-HSA-392499
Post-translational protein modificationREACTOMER-HSA-597592
Signal TransductionREACTOMER-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCRREACTOMER-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand bindingREACTOMER-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors)REACTOMER-HSA-373076
Amine ligand-binding receptorsREACTOMER-HSA-375280
GPCR downstream signalingREACTOMER-HSA-388396
G alpha (s) signalling eventsREACTOMER-HSA-418555
Vesicle-mediated transportREACTOMER-HSA-5653656
Membrane TraffickingREACTOMER-HSA-199991
Clathrin-mediated endocytosisREACTOMER-HSA-8856828
Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosisREACTOMER-HSA-8856825
Ub-specific processing proteasesREACTOMER-HSA-5689880

Protein levels (Protein atlas)

Not detected


Entity IDNameTypeEvidenceAssociationPKPDPMIDs
PA10832corticosteroidsChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD19932356, 24279851, 26774659
PA164712308Ace Inhibitors, PlainChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD22543981
PA164712372Angiotensin II AntagonistsChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD22543981
PA164712535Beta Blocking AgentsChemicalClinicalAnnotation, VipGeneassociatedPD16189366, 22543981
PA164712541Beta blocking agents, non-selectiveChemicalPathwayassociated
PA165108401Acute coronary syndromeDiseaseVipGeneassociated16189366
PA166156748rs1042713VariantVipGeneassociated10340917, 10785504, 10934093, 11016907, 11358945, 11586955, 12077726, 12390345, 12900437, 14693408, 15153795, 15464701, 15500895, 15557128, 15861037, 15867853, 15976384, 15987731, 16054001, 16142389, 16153394, 16263254, 16596417, 17221209, 17223428, 18219297, 18247304, 18569231, 18702968, 19186333, 7598936, 7915137, 10027586
PA166156749rs1042714VariantVipGeneassociated10323412, 10886486, 11380082, 11586955, 11718682, 12077726, 12111048, 12390345, 12835612, 12900437, 15464701, 15672110, 15861037, 15931235, 16027735, 16082424, 16142389, 16189366, 17221209, 17671401, 17885618, 18219297, 18393130, 19186333, 7598936, 7915137, 10027586
PA166156773rs1800888VariantVipGeneassociated11516429, 16041242, 16142389, 18068431, 18940527, 7901205, 11222464
PA443450AsthmaDiseaseClinicalAnnotation, VipGeneassociatedPD15867853, 15987731, 15153795, 15500895, 18156033, 19183167, 19800676, 19932356, 23126384, 23384627, 24279851, 26774659
PA443796Coronary Artery DiseaseDiseaseVipGeneassociated18940527, 16189366
PA444370Heart FailureDiseaseClinicalAnnotation, VipGeneassociatedPD18068431, 18702968, 12835612, 15861037, 17223428, 20352314, 21599570, 22543981
PA444552HypertensionDiseaseClinicalAnnotation, VipGeneassociatedPD16027735, 18219297
PA444797Liver CirrhosisDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD
PA446479Hypertrophy, Left VentricularDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD17178264
PA447288Essential hypertensionDiseaseClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD15554460
PA448068salbutamolChemicalClinicalAnnotation, Pathway, VariantAnnotation, VipGeneassociatedPD15500895, 18156033, 19800676, 23126384, 24279851, 29053759
PA448499atenololChemicalClinicalAnnotation, PathwayassociatedPD16027735
PA448817carvedilolChemicalClinicalAnnotation, PathwayassociatedPD12835612, 15861037, 20352314, 21599570
PA449466ephedrineChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPKPD25730298, 26771271
PA449599fentanylChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPD26771271, 30281924
PA450480metoprololChemicalClinicalAnnotation, PathwayassociatedPD16027735
PA450935phenylephrineChemicalClinicalAnnotationassociatedPKPD25730298, 26771271
PA451145propranololChemicalClinicalAnnotation, PathwayassociatedPD
PA451300salmeterolChemicalClinicalAnnotation, PathwayassociatedPD15500895, 18156033, 19800676, 19932356, 23126384, 24279851
PA451616terbutalineChemicalClinicalAnnotation, Pathway, VariantAnnotationambiguousPKPD12563174


Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
379066482024Evaluation of ADRB2 and OATP2A1 genetic polymorphisms in Indian patients with primary open-angle glaucoma.0
380360782024Genetic association between ADRB2 rs1042713 and elite athletic performances in the Korean population.0
380433622024The association of gene polymorphisms in catechol-O'methyltransferase (COMT) and β2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) with temporomandibular joint disorders.1
381576242024Reduction of IL-6, IL-8 and β2-ADRENOCEPTOR mRNA levels in circulating polymorphonuclear leukocytes after adenotonsillectomy in children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.1
381942252024Biased Signaling in Mutated Variants of β(2)-Adrenergic Receptor: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations.0
383311652024Chronic stress promotes gastric cancer progression via the adrenoceptor beta 2/PlexinA1 pathway.0
385470612024The β2-adrenergic receptor associates with CXCR4 multimers in human cancer cells.1
379066482024Evaluation of ADRB2 and OATP2A1 genetic polymorphisms in Indian patients with primary open-angle glaucoma.0
380360782024Genetic association between ADRB2 rs1042713 and elite athletic performances in the Korean population.0
380433622024The association of gene polymorphisms in catechol-O'methyltransferase (COMT) and β2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) with temporomandibular joint disorders.1
381576242024Reduction of IL-6, IL-8 and β2-ADRENOCEPTOR mRNA levels in circulating polymorphonuclear leukocytes after adenotonsillectomy in children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.1
381942252024Biased Signaling in Mutated Variants of β(2)-Adrenergic Receptor: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations.0
383311652024Chronic stress promotes gastric cancer progression via the adrenoceptor beta 2/PlexinA1 pathway.0
385470612024The β2-adrenergic receptor associates with CXCR4 multimers in human cancer cells.1
368221592023The impact of ADRB2 polymorphisms on immune responses and norepinephrine-induced immunosuppression.0


Denise Tostes Oliveira ; Diego Mauricio Bravo-Calderón

ADRB2 (adrenoceptor beta 2, surface)

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2014-02-01

Online version: