1.Laboratory of Molecular, Cell Biology, Isituto Dermopatico dellImmacolata, IRCCS, Via dei Monti di Creta, 104, 00168 Rome, Italy (MC); Medical Genetics, Experimental Medicine, Pathology Department, University La Sapienza, S. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Circ.ne Gianicolense n. 87, 00152 Rome, Italy (PG)2.The Institute for Cancer Studies, University of Sheffield Medical School, Beech Hill Road, Sheffield S10 2RX, UK
The mixed (spindle and epithelioid) type is largely the most common variant among the choroid melanomas. Spindle cell melanoma has the best prognosis. Epithelioid is most likely to spread, whilst mixed cell melanomas have an intermediate behaviour. Of note, the size and position of the tumour also affects the prognosis of individual melanomas. Uveal melanomas can invade locally within the eye, and form deposits in other organs, but most commonly the liver.
Marco Castori ; Paola Grammatico
Eye: Posterior uveal melanoma
Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2007-04-01
Online version: http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/solid-tumor/5047/uvealmelanomid5047
1999-06-01 Eye: Posterior uveal melanoma by Karen Sisley  Affiliation