KLF5 : Kruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal)

2006-10-01   Ceshi Chen  , Yinfa Zhou  , Jin-Tang Dong  

The Center for Cell Biology, Cancer Research Albany Medical College MS355\\\/350, Mail code 165, 47 New Scotland Ave. Albany, NY 12208, USA


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Black box: Exon


KLF5 gene encompasses 4 exons which span about 18.7 kb of DNA. BAC clone RPCI-505F3 contains the complete KLF5 genome sequence.


about 3.4 Kb mRNA, 1374 bp open reading frame


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TAD: transactivation domain, PY: PPPSY sequence


457 amino acids; about 55 kDa protein; KLF5 protein undergoes numerous post translational modifications: phosphorylation, acetylation, and ubiquitination. The major transactivation domain is proline rich and contains a PY motif (324-328), which can bind to E3 ubiquitin ligase WWP1. Three zinc finger domains at C-terminus can bind to GC rich DNA sequence.


widely expressed in intestine, prostate, breast, lung, bladder, pancreas, placenta, uterus, skin, and skeletal muscle.




KLF5 is a transcription factor. Many KLF5 target genes, such as PDGFa, PPARg, NFkB, cyclinD1, KLF4, and TCR, have been identified in different cell models. KLF5 regulates cell proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis, and differentiation. KLF5 is an important transcription factor for cardiovascular remodeling and tumor angiogenesis. KLF5 is essential for mouse embryo development. Additionally, KLF5 may play an important role in several tumor types including breast, prostate, bladder, colon, esophagus, and skin.


KLF5 gene is highly-conserved among species (from human to Drosophila). KLF5 belongs to the SP1/KLF transcription factor family



The KLF5 gene is rarely mutated in human prostate cancer. One point mutation (A --> G), which change Met294 to Val, has been found in the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231.

Implicated in

Entity name
Breast cancer
The KLF5 gene is deleted in about 43% breast cancer cell lines. Consistently, KLF5 mRNA is down-regulated in these cell lines. In 9 breast cancer cell lines without KLF5 mRNA loss, KLF5 protein is excessively degraded through ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Forced expression of KLF5 inhibits T-47D cancer cell growth in vitro. In contrast, KLF5 expression is upregulated in clinical breast tumor samples (see below)
Recently, high level of KLF5 mRNA expression is found to be associated with shorter survival for breast cancer patients. Using tissue microarray, we performed immunohistochemical staining with the anti-KLF5 Ab. The results suggest that KLF5 protein is generally weak in normal breast epithelial cells but strongly positive in breast tumors. Therefore, KLF5 expression is probably a good prognosis marker for breast cancer.
Entity name
Prostate cancer
The KLF5 gene is deleted in about 33% prostate cancer cell lines/xenografts. Consistently, KLF5 mRNA is down-regulated in these samples compared to three immortalized prostate epithelial cell lines. In PC-3 prostate cancer cell line in which KLF5 mRNA is at normal high level, KLF5 protein is excessively degraded by over-expression of WWP1. KLF5 protein is highly expressed in normal prostate epithelial cells (Figure 5). Forced expression of KLF5 inhibits DU145 and 22Rv1 prostate cancer cell growth in vitro. In contrast, KLF5 knock-down decreases RWPE1 immortalized prostate epithelial cell growth in vitro. These results suggest that KLF5 may play a context dependent role in prostate cancer.
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Bladder cancer
KLF5 mRNA is down-regulated in several bladder cancer cell lines. In TSu-Pr1 cell line, KLF5 over-expression promotes tumorigenesis in SCID mice. Consistently, KLF5 promotes cell cycle progression from G1 to S phase. Interestingly, KLF5 appears to promote tumor angiogenesis. Microarray analysis identified a number of angiogenic factors that are potentially regulated by KLF5, including HBP17, TGFa, and PDGFa. These findings suggest that the KLF5 transcription factor may play an oncogenic role in bladder cancer.
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Intestinal and colon cancer
Down-regulation of KLF5 may be an early event in intestinal tumorigenesis. Expression of KLF5 in non-transformed intestinal epithelial cells enhances cell growth; however, KLF5 inhibits cell growth in colon cancer cell lines. Another group found that all-trans retinoic acid inhibits intestinal epithelial cell growth in vitro through inhibiting KLF5 expression. At the same time, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces proinflammatory response in intestinal epithelial cells through inducing KLF5 expression. These findings suggest that KLF5 may play an important but yet to be identified role in intestinal and colon cancer.
Entity name
Esophagus cancer
KLF5 is expressed in proliferating cells of the gastrointestinal tract, including the esophagus. Expression of KLF5 in a poorly differentiated esophageal squamous cancer cell line TE2 inhibits proliferation and invasion, decreases viability after treatment with hydrogen peroxide and UV irradiation, and increases anoikis. KLF5 upregulates the cdk inhibitor p21(waf1/cip1) and pro-apoptotic protein BAX following UV irradiation.
Entity name
Skin cancer
KLF5 is expressed predominantly in the basal layers of the developing epidermis, in the basal layers of cells of the inner root sheath, and in matrix cells of adult human hair follicles. In a transgenic mouse model, KLF5 over-expression in the basal layers of the epidermis causes abnormal epidermal development and differentiation. KLF5 over-expression may decrease the proliferation of stem cell populations of bulge keratinocytes.
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Cardiovascular remodeling
KLF5 hemizygous knock-out mice reduce cardiac hypertrophy and interstitial fibrosis upon infusion of angiotensin II. Additionally, KLF5 may play a role in antherosclerosis and restenosis through regulating vascular smooth muscle cells.


Pubmed IDLast YearTitleAuthors

Other Information

Locus ID:

NCBI: 688
MIM: 602903
HGNC: 6349
Ensembl: ENSG00000102554


dbSNP: 688
ClinVar: 688
TCGA: ENSG00000102554


Gene IDTranscript IDUniprot

Expression (GTEx)



PathwaySourceExternal ID
Developmental BiologyREACTOMER-HSA-1266738
Transcriptional regulation of white adipocyte differentiationREACTOMER-HSA-381340

Protein levels (Protein atlas)

Not detected


Pubmed IDYearTitleCitations
377383012024Circ_0068481 Affects the Human Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells' Progression by miR-361-3p/KLF5 Axis.0
381479102024Suppression of KLF5 basal expression in oral carcinoma-derived cells through three intact CREB1-binding sites in the silencer region.0
382175872024KLF5 inhibits the migration and invasion in cervical cancer cell lines by regulating SNAI1.0
384095512024Ubiquitin specific peptidase 38 epigenetically regulates KLF transcription factor 5 to augment malignant progression of lung adenocarcinoma.0
384335762024Abrogation of KLF5 sensitizes BRCA1-proficient pancreatic cancer to PARP inhibition.0
385142642024[Overexpression of tuftelin and KLF-5 and its clinicopathological features in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma].0
386098732024Depression of LncRNA DANCR alleviates tubular injury in diabetic nephropathy by regulating KLF5 through sponge miR-214-5p.0
386226962024KLF5 promotes the ossification process of ligamentum flavum by transcriptionally activating CX43.0
386494382024KLF5 regulates actin remodeling to enhance the metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.0
377383012024Circ_0068481 Affects the Human Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells' Progression by miR-361-3p/KLF5 Axis.0
381479102024Suppression of KLF5 basal expression in oral carcinoma-derived cells through three intact CREB1-binding sites in the silencer region.0
382175872024KLF5 inhibits the migration and invasion in cervical cancer cell lines by regulating SNAI1.0
384095512024Ubiquitin specific peptidase 38 epigenetically regulates KLF transcription factor 5 to augment malignant progression of lung adenocarcinoma.0
384335762024Abrogation of KLF5 sensitizes BRCA1-proficient pancreatic cancer to PARP inhibition.0
385142642024[Overexpression of tuftelin and KLF-5 and its clinicopathological features in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma].0


Ceshi Chen ; Yinfa Zhou ; Jin-Tang Dong

KLF5 : Kruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal)

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2006-10-01

Online version: http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/gene/41074/css/css/case-report-explorer/gene-fusions/?id=41074