Mammalian glutaminases are encoded by two paralogous genes, Gls and Gls2, presumably derived by gene duplication of a common ancestor. Each gene codes for two different isoforms. The two transcripts of Gls2, named GAB and LGA, arise through a surrogate promoter usage mechanism. In certain types of malignancies, such as glioblastoma and liver cancers, expression of GLS2 gene is repressed by promoter hypermethylation, which could contribute to the malignant process. The finding that ectopic expression of GLS2 could inhibit proliferation of these tumors led to the hypothesis that this isoenzyme, a transcriptional target of TP53, might play a role as tumor suppressor, in opposition to GLS, regulated by oncogenes and associated to tumorigenesis. However, recent findings indicate that GLS2 is upregulated in some types of cancer (NMYC-amplified neuroblastoma, cervical, colon and lung cancers) and this upregulation paradoxically correlates with poor clinical outcomes.
José A Campos-Sandoval ; Mercedes Martín-Rufián ; Javier Márquez
GLS2 (Glutaminase 2)
Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2019-04-01
Online version:
2015-12-01 GLS2 (Glutaminase 2) by José A Campos-Sandoval,Mercedes Martín-Rufián,Javier Márquez  Affiliation