Adipocytic tumors

2023-09-05   Paola Dal Cin, PhD 

1.Brigham and Women's Hospital , Harvard Medical School, Boston , MA (USA)



Fatty tumors are among the most common mesenchymal tumors, including a variety of benign lipomas and liposarcomas. Deeper tumors have a higher probability of malignancy. Most benign lipomas are superficial whereas deeper tumors have a higher probability of malignancy e.g. liposarcoma. Their wide histological spectrum and frequent morphological overlap between each subtype have made classification and diagnosis challenging. Molecular advances have significantly contributed to better understanding of the underlying biological mechanisms and the clinical and morphological spectra of adipocytic tumor subtypes, and have enabled more precise classification and management.1-5

Adipocytic tumoursGenetics event(s)
LipomaThree distinct clustering breakpoints: 1) the major group involving 12q13-15 (65%), affecting every chromosomes 6, with several possible recurrent chromosome regions, 2) mainly deletion of 13q12-q22 (13%) and 3) 6p21-23 rearrangement (5%). Additional lipomas with other aberrations, 7,8 including 1) ring chromosome/trisomy 12q ,associated with low-level amplification of sequences from 12q, suggesting that some intermediary forms exist between classical lipomas and classical WDLPS, 9,10 and 2) 8q12 rearrangements. 8
The target gene in 12q14.3, HMGA2 is a family member of the High Mobility Group (HMG) of protein. The most common gene fusion is HMGA2::LPP resulting from a t(3;12) (q27-28;q14.3), 11 then t(1;12)(p32;q14.3)/ PPAP2::HMGA2, t(2;3)(q27;q14.3)/ ACKR3::HMGA2 , t(5;12)(q33;q14.3)/ EBF1::HMGA2, t(9;12){p22;q14.3/NFB::HMGA2, t(12;13)(q14.3;q13)} /HMGA2::LHFPL6 and t(12;18)(q14.3;q12/ HMGA2::SETBP1. 12,13 However, several HMGA2 rearrangement in lipomas, e.g. t(4;12)(q27-28;q14-15) ,14 showed truncated forms HMGA2 separating 3 AT-hook domains from the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR). 15-17
Lipoma with 13q- show a minimal deleted region in 13q14, where only one gene SPRYD7 was found to be significantly underexpressed compared with control tissues. 18
In lipoma with 6p21-23 rearrangement, the breaks occur adjacent to the coding sequences of HMGA1 a.k.a.HMGA1, another member of the same HMG family. 19 Generally 6p21 breakpoints are located at the 3' end of HMGA1 gene, and molecular analyses of the HMGA1 transcripts revealed common deletions of the C-terminal region and/or parts of the 3'UTR. 20 A single t(3;6)(q27;p21) showed HMGA1 fused to a 139-kb genomic region between the LPP and TPRG1 loci. 21
LipomatosisPatients with multiple symmetrical lipomatosis have mutations in mitochondrial DNA genes. 22 Familial subtypes are recognized as Madelung disease. 23
Lipomatosis of nervePIK3CA mutations are frequent events, irrespective of anatomic site or territory overgrowth. 24,25
Lipoblastoma and lipoblastomatosis 8q12 /PLAG1 rearrangements (70%), sometime cryptic, seen mainly in pediatric population 26, with several gene partners HAS2 ,COL1A2, RAD51B, COL3A1, RAB2A , BOC, ZEB, DDX6, KLF10, KANSLIL,RUNXT1,VCAN and SRSF3. 27-30 PLAG1 overexpression in lipoblastoma with PLAG1 rearrangement is a result of a promoter swapping event. 31 PLAG1 staining as surrogate marker for PLAG1 rearrangement.32
Extra copies of chromosome 8 , with or without PLAG1 rearrangement have been also reported. 33
Alternately, HMGA2 can also be rearranged (8%).28,30,34 Somatic PIK3CA (H1047R) mutation, in a single case negative for PLAG1 rearrangement. 35
AngiolipomaNormal karyotype in vast majority, 36 rare cases with loss or structural rearrangement of chromosome 13. 37 A single case with t(X;2)(p22;p12).38
Frequent low-level mutations of PRKD2 . 39
High frequency of the p.E545A PIK3CA mutation in both conventional and cellulalar variants .40
Myolipoma of soft tissueA single case t(9;12)p22;q14) associated with HMGA2::C9orf92. 41 HMGA2 nuclear staining in 60% of cases , suggesting HMGA2 rearrangement 42
Chondroid lipoma t(11;16)(q13.1;p13.12) associated with fusion between ZFTA, aka as C11orf95, and MRTKB .43-45 A single case with ZFTA::NCOA1 gene fusion. 46 Interesting , a ZFTA::RELA fusion has been reported in a distinct liposarcoma morphologically overlapping with chondroid lipoma, 47 and ZFTA rearrangement have been reported in the majority of supratentorial ependymomas.48
Spindle cell/plemorphic lipoma (SCPL) Deletions or losses of 13q14 as -13/del(13q), including RB1 and its flanking genes RCBTB2, DLEU1, and ITM2B. have been identified in a significant subset of cases. 49,50 SPRYD7 was the only gene to be significantly down-regulated in both lipoma and Spidle cell lipoma with 13q14 deletion. 51 Consistent absence of MDM2 or CDK4 amplification. 52However, alternative genetic pathways exist for the development of spindle cell/pleomorphic lipoma. 53
13q14/RB1 family of tumors includes spindle cell/pleomorphic lipoma, atypical spindle cell/pleomorphic lipomatous tumor, pleomorphic liposarcoma, myofibroblastoma, cellular angiofibroma, and acral fibromyxoma, which are considered benign lesions , except for pleomorphic liposarcoma , and mainly occurring in old adult population. 54
HibernomaCytogenetic rearrangements, typically translocations, involving chromosome band 11q13. e.g.t(4;11)(q34;q13)55 associated with concomitant deletions of AIP and/or MEN156,57 Association between hibernoma and MEN1 syndrome OMIM:131100. 58 The white-to-brown phenotype switchs in brown fat tumours is mediated by the loss of AIP tumor supressor gene. 59
Atypical spindle cell/pleomorphic lipomatous tumor (ASPLT)/spindle cell liposarcoma Deletions/losses of 13q14 RB1 and flanking genes RCBTB2, DLEU1, and ITM2B.50,52,60 Similar findings reported in pleomorphic liposarcoma, but with less complex complex pattern of chromosomal gains and losses by array-based comparative genomic hybridization. 50 Monosomy 7 and consistent absence of MDM2 and CDK4 amplification in 2 cases of spindle cell liposarcoma. 61
Atypical lipomatous tumor (ATL) /well-differentiated liposarcoma (WDLPS)Ring /giant (rod) markers chromosomes associated associated with high-level amplifications of 12q13-15 region, which contain many genes, with MDM2 been consistently amplified and overexpressed with HMGA2, co-amplified withCDK4 in 70% of the cases , and less co-amplified with DDIT3. 62 The use of FISH to detect MDM2 amplification is a more sensitive and specific method than MDM2 immunohistochemistry in differentiating WDLPS from benign adipocytic lesion and atypical spindle cell/pleomporphic lipomatous tumor. 63
Case with double minute chromosomes harboring MDM2 amplification in a pediatric ALT. 64
Chromosome 12q13-q15 amplification is thought to occur over numerous breakage-fusion-bridge cycles, and addtional chromosomes regions can be co-amplified. 65
The sarcomas in which MDM2 amplification is a hallmark are well-differentiated liposarcoma/atypical lipomatous tumor, dedifferentiated liposarcoma, intimal sarcoma, and low-grade osteosarcoma, and occassionally myxofibrosarcomas, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors and undifferentiated sarcomas .63 Anti-MDM2 therapy has become a reality: we actually know of molecules that block the MDM2-p53 interaction, and thus, reestablish wild type p53 activity. 66 CDK4 inhibitor can also represent a potential therapeutic option. 67
Dedifferentiated liposarcoma (DDLPS)Beside 12q15 gain been the most frequent event inDDLPS, with MDM2, CPM and SLC35E3 been the most consistent genes gained; additional genomic alterations ,likely related to tumor progression and dedifferentiation, including co-amplifications of 1p32 JUN and 6q23 MAP3K5/MAP3K5, which are mutually exclusively. Recurrent chromosomal rearrangements involving mainly HMGA2 , CPM and DNM3OS are identified in a subset of DDLPS . 63,68,69 A subset of DDLPS shows amplification of STAT6, resulting in STAT6 protein expression .70
Myxoid liposarcoma (MLPS)t(12;16) (q13;p11) 71 associated with FUS::DDIT3, 72 and less frequent t(12;22)(q13;q12) associated EWSR1::DDIT3 .73 So far DDIT3 rearrangemet is unique for MLPS. 2 Several nonrandom secondary aberrations have been identified, e.g. del(6q), +8, and der(16)t(1;16). 72 Be aware that both cryptic DDIT3 rearrangement , may ocurr. 74
DDIT3 immunohistochemistry (IHC) can distinguishes high-grade MLPS from other round cell sarcomas. 75
TERT promoter mutations in >50%, 76 mutations activating PI3K/mTOR pathway in 25% .77
Pleomorphic liposarcoma (PLPS)Most aggressive subtype of liposarcoma. Extensive, complex karyotype with copy number alterations across the genome and more frequently gains than losses; non-specific molecular profile lacking the distinctive alterations of other liposarcomas and instead resembles undifferentiated liposarcma or myxofibrosarcoma. 78,79 Dermal samples have a favorable prognosis compared to deeply seated POSL instead showed recurrent losses at the 13q14.2 including RB1 and DLEU2 , and deletion/disruption of the TP53 locus.80
Myxoid pleomorphic liposarcoma (MPLPS)Lacks FUS::DDIT3 or EWSR1::DDIT3 and MDM2 amp, but chromosomal alterations, including gains and lossed involving several chromsomes chromosomes. Losses in chromosome 13, in particular loss in 13q14 , including RB1, RCTB2, DLEU1, and ITM2B. 81 Genome-wide loss of heterozygosity co-existing with TP53 mutations as a characteristic genomic signature distinct from other liposarcoma subtypes. 82
Usually occurring in the mediastinum young patients with a female predominance.83
Association with Li-Fraumeni syndrome has been described. 84,85


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Paola Dal Cin

Adipocytic tumors

Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2023-09-05

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