The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department of General Internal Medicine, Ambulatory Treatment, Emergency Care, Department of Endocrine Neoplasia, Hormonal Disorders, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Unit 437, Houston, Texas 77030, USA
NCBI: 5292 MIM: 164960 HGNC: 8986 Ensembl: ENSG00000137193
dbSNP: 5292 ClinVar: 5292 TCGA: ENSG00000137193 COSMIC: PIM1
Sai-Ching Jim Yeung
PIM1 (pim-1 oncogene)
Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2013-04-01
Online version:
2000-08-01 PIM1 (pim-1 oncogene) by Jean-Loup Huret  Affiliation